What people are saying about "Spoiler Alert"
Spoiler Alert
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over 8 years ago
@T: Personally I'd go for a place where you could have a nice drink, some snacks, maybe a meal, and get to pet and play with some cute fluffy animals. I hear cat cafes are a thing, and some even have owls, but I'm not sure how good that is for the animals themselves.
over 8 years ago
@Anshuman garga: THE GAME is downloadable, the link is in one of the patreon posts
but only visable to poeple who pledge at the apropiate amount
over 8 years ago
Quick question: where can I find THE GAME?
over 8 years ago
@Elyseon: Well, it exist. The girls are mean the entire course but when you are leaving the do the cling "are you leaving so soon?" "Come again!". Personally I think the "It is not like I'm doing X because I like you" type would be more appealing but it seems to be working anyway.
over 8 years ago
@T: Tsundere Cafe sounds like the kind of thing some people would pay for.
over 8 years ago
Whos opening a business? Brasilio real human green meta jo is starting the business?
over 8 years ago
@Viredae: Yes, but she could have contracted Anne for the cameras. Jo could also be planning on illustrating my Overwatch Incorporated, which was inspired by Luci-O's, which was made by Blizzard. You can find my list @ http://logico49.deviantart.com/journal/
over 8 years ago
@helpful comrade: That sounds like something Anne-Marie would do.
over 8 years ago
Tsundere Cafe!
over 8 years ago
Pirate Warriors? Would be a welcome change from the dragon priest here and dragon priest there I keep getting.
over 8 years ago
Unbeknownst to anyone, Angie set up hidden camera sentries throughout the house. The business she's going to open is covertly selling the pics & footage of the other girls to lustful consumers, such as ourselves.

over 8 years ago
@Jarno Westhof: Nope
over 8 years ago
@What The Hell: LOL NO.
over 8 years ago
She gonna try to make a game again? :/
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
Incoming merc body-pillows.
over 8 years ago
incoming merc and angie figurines
over 8 years ago
sorry could not resist
over 8 years ago
And queue the discussion's. I'm guessing...gaming store.