@Shellhit: amen... I miss Quake. That game was fantastic. I still play it from time to time. (havent in a while because there's a glitched door due to a patch....... :S)(first expansion)
Technically all we know is she's likely bisexual since the one picture is all we've got to go off of AAFAIK. And truthfully Bastion/Tracer is like giving her a sentient vibrator really.
@GabeZhul: Of course she's a protagonist. Why would she not be? The lore in Overwatch is told through comics and animated shorts, so her position in the game isn't relevant to whether or not she's a main character.
When did anyone say Tracer would be against taking the robo-dong? She wouldn't be against having sex with a girl, doesn't mean she'd be against doing it with a guy... or a robot.
So this is what the world came to, when a videogame character (not even a protagonist, just one character in a multiplayer shooter) being gay is considered to be "news". Just... just what the hell, popular culture? What the actual hell?
Frankly I don't give a damn about their sexual orientation, but i would question why people jumped immediately to lesbian without a thought to her being bisexual. Just because you kiss the same sex doesn't mean you don't like the other as well.
Does anyone remember a time when a video game character's gender orientation didn't matter? I feel like I'm in a Quentin Tarantino film... and I want out!!! :P
@Huttj:All right, but my main point still remain.I miss good old times when all you have is Space Marine from Doom and there wasn't any love interests, tutorial handlers, superior officers, the team member who tragically dies and you supposed to feel sad and other blandest character. Same for movies
@Shellhit: It's not an explicitly romantic subplot. It's a Christmas comic, with Tracer shopping last mnute for her sweetie, then shots of the rest of the characters and their Christmas celebrations (Pharah on a date, Pharah's mum and 76 reminiscing, Rein hanging out with Torbjorn's family etc.)
I am just tired of people inserting romantic sub-plots to every single piece of media. Every movie have some stupid, bland love interest character who adds nothing to the story.
Did you change the coloring style Jo? It looks different. Love it.
I do approve of Tracer's preferences, tbh. It's a bold move by Blizzard. Sure, WidowXTracer as a ship was fun, but I don't mind. I like her dating a civilian, gives her someone to protect.
It'll be interesting to see how fans react to the Tracer reveal. How important is sexuality to them liking or disliking a character?
Keep the Anne strips coming!
I... I dont shipped Tracer's out of the closet. cause why? people post tracer x widowmaker too much anyway.... I think Blizzard just approve that kind of plot... but.... really? comeon.....even tentajo can do better with stories and plot with his girls without break people's expectation...
Poor Angie. It was pretty obvious that Tracer wasn't pure-straight or asexual. I still think she's bi, but it doesn't matter in the slightest unless she and her girlfriend break up. Or they have a poly relationship. (I doubt that one though.)
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