What people are saying about "Get Hyped"
Get Hyped
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about 7 years ago
@Beastwolf: Depending on which game you want. There are legio GBA/N64/PSX emulators for android, with varying amount of ads/freemiumness/support for save states. I use MyBoy Free. Don't know if there's a DS emu already, but you can already play the first four gens.
about 7 years ago
Pokemon GO is a wasted potential. Totally wasted. Massive pokemon game outside your house, that was a potential to make game making people haveing fun going outside, meeting other people etc. But then they fucked up, Pokemon GO has nothing to original series and only feeds on nostalgia.
about 7 years ago
it's great for people who live in cities.. less so for smaller towns but doable. but if you live in the country the programmers absolutely hate you. where i live absolutely zero pokemon show up.. ever. i did give it a chance and walked about 100 kilometers and not a single pokemon appeared here.
about 7 years ago
It was really a cultural phenomenon, with genuine bonding moments with strangers, and you could literally just chat people up on the street and they'd be pretty much instantly your friend. I'm so angry that Niantic seems to have killed that comradery, I was so looking forward to it in the spring.
about 7 years ago
Pokemon Go was so amazingly awesome, and I played that game HARD over the summer and fall. Like, going out every night, hanging out downtown with COMPLETE strangers, having a group event with people I didn't even know were going to be there when I left my house.
about 7 years ago
@Raxyz: I'd have liked to refute that, but you're right.
about 7 years ago
@Kate Blackwell: I would pay unusually large sums of money to play pokemon on my phone
Wait a second I have android, there might be an emulator
But I'd still outright buy a game on phone if it was available.
about 7 years ago
I installed pokemon go, looked at how to play the game, and uninstalled it. Pokemon makes a great turn based rock paper dynamite collectible monster game but what is it when you take out abilities?

The effect it had was nice to see however.
about 7 years ago
@TheTechincGamers Play: But it could have done the same thing without being the worst pokemon game ever made.
about 7 years ago
The point is, it got people who weren't familiar with games as so and it got people to take a damn walk. I can't really criticize that x-x.
about 7 years ago
Tried it for ten minutes - wondered what the fuck all the hype was about - uninstalled it

Never looked back
about 7 years ago
@GabeZhul: (2/2) And as an added bonus, it's one of the most successful mobile games of all time despite being less than a year old (even now, it's still the #15 grossing app on the App Store). To say it wasn't successful or that "there was only so much it could do" is beyond ridiculous.
about 7 years ago
@GabeZhul: (1/2) The point of the game wasn't longevity, it was to make the Pokemon series as a whole more popular. People wouldn't shut up about Pokemon Go (and by extension the series itself) for ~3 months and it led to Sun/Moon having the most successful launch of any Nintendo game ever.
about 7 years ago
I enjoyed Pokemon Go while I was able to play it. Unfortunately they patched it to prevent rooted phones being able to play it, so stopped careing. I'd probably go back to it if for some reason they changed their mind, but that's pretty unlikely.
about 7 years ago
@TheMiscGamer: This is actually untrue. Pokemon Go has a hidden 'migration' mechanic tracked by fansites which makes nests of Pokemon 'move around' on a regular basis. I could see it happen with Tauros in my neighborhood, which began as rare appearances and then spawned everywhere for like 2 weeks.
about 7 years ago
Eh, the gameplay was too uninteresting for me... the battles were way too simplified, so it didn't really catch my interest.
about 7 years ago
It's fun to complete your Pokedex and honestly getting people to walk more to hatch eggs is probably a good thing. Problem: completing the dex doesn't work if you're not willing to wander 2 miles to find new terrain, and old terrain never has Pokemon. If they rotated Pokemon habitats or something...
about 7 years ago
Maybe the reason this game is so void of anything interesting is it's an experiment at getting people to replace the Google Cars? if they have the Ar as an extra layer in the game data they're essentially getting people to run around pointing their camera at things exactly like google cars do.
about 7 years ago
@Hyperstar: Yes, it made a lot of money in one big burst by riding on a combination of the nostalgia of Pokemon and the novelty of an AR game. Once people realized both parts were shallow as fuck, they left the game in troves, but by then the company already made a huge profit.
about 7 years ago
Meh, it's mobile I automatically don't care. Could be whichever franchise I'd like, I doubt it'd be any good. Mobile "gaming" is a market for shallow games that sucks you in with a generic gameplay and then begs for money.
over 7 years ago
Yeah, Pokémon Go definitely wasn't a big game. It only made a billion dollars in about half a year... what a flop.
over 7 years ago
There were really bizarre things with Pokemon Go in Russia. All sorts of political activists, priests, members of patriotic organizations and all sorts of people were writing articles about how Pokemon Go is pure evil and should be destroyed. That was weird.
over 7 years ago
It's fun to go out and do it with a group of friends but since there's no real end game or reward and the gym ownership lasts a few hours tops so you never actually get anything... yaa........ I dont play anymore.
over 7 years ago
What I have been saying is that someone should make a generic AR game. And then someone makes a pokemon mod out of it with everything that pokemon go should have but never did.
over 7 years ago
I will never understand why so many adults I knew where into Pokémon Go. People like me who where not the target audience of the show/gameboy game.
over 7 years ago
Wait... Slowpoke is reasonably on-time?
over 7 years ago
Man, Pokemon Go sounds less and less appealing every passing days huh?

If only there were a game where you can own every single pokemon, with interesting battle mechanics, where you could even pet your pokemon, maybe even trade and do online battles, with a decent story to boot.

If only...
over 7 years ago
If they had actual game play and deeper mechanics they would have gathered a smaller but lasting following vs the huge but temporary following they got now. People who want combat like in the pokemon games are already playing the pokemon games or emulators like showdown.
over 7 years ago
The only reason i considered pokemon go fun was because of the gym fights but yeah it was kinda lame
over 7 years ago
I'd play this just for the sake of taking a walk every once in a while.
But I don't have a smartphone and I don't feel like I need one. I maybe kind of want one of the rare dying QWERTY ones, but they're too expensive.