I like to play Junkrat as more of a harasser. You might not KILL your enemies, but his ability to shoot over Rein shields and into certain areas without making himself vulnerable.
He can also bounce his shots, which can make him hella annoying to chase through corridors. A good Junkrat is a terror.
"junkrat lacks moblility and range" - I find this part confusing. I play a fair amount of Junkrat and I'm usually one of the most mobile players on the field, bouncing around all over the place like a madman. That plus bouncing shots off walls more than makes up for the range shortfall.
@MangoMaster4 That's the problem. Aim is never an issue. A player can concentrate only on dodge, skills, whatever, while her gun do all the heavy work alone. Just last night a single Symmetra nearly wiped my team, *WITHOUT* using turrets or shields. Only the RoadHog survived.
@RoderickBR: Assume for a moment that your opponents don't suck and you'll see what I mean. In a 1v1 between noobs, Symmetra wins because of autoaim but in 1v1 between good players, you will need to play Symmetra very well to have a chance of winning with her since the issue is no longer with aim.
@Type99: How do you reckon that the competitive scenes are good? In Hearthstone, the RNG nature of the game means no good player can stay on top and in OW, the bad design and simple nature of the game means the best players do not have to be good and have to follow a stale meta.
@MangoMaster4: I suck at games, and even I got POTG once as Symmetra. The problem is not just the autoaim, is that a player can spazz around focusing only on dodging (not hard since she has a small hitbox) and let her weapon devour tanks and squishes alike. She's worse than WM1 Pyros.
That said, you don't play Overwatch if you want to believe you have skill. The game is made for casual play and the fact that a competitive scene exists mean about as much as a competitive scene does for Hearthstone.
See, Jo, thinking like this makes grandmaster rank difficult. She's easier to aim with, sure, but to achieve her peak performance you must master all the skills that have nothing to do with aiming and they are the most important part of the game.
The image is if you fight out in the open without proper backup. If you are going to fight in the open as Junk you should have a team there to run interference so you aren't easily picked off. Making bank shots off walls and around corners and chokes. Their lack of visibility is your gain.
i have a feeling this is a stab at an older post but the part about pharah is so true its really hard to justify being on the team as junkrat if they have one
Meanwhile, Blizzard is buffing Symmetra by increasing back the damage from her turrets. Like she needed it. I think she should be removed from "Support" and be placed in the "Defense" group. She fills this role as much or more than Torbjörn (that is getting his turret's damage increased too)
Range isn't what Junkrat lacks - he's perfectly capable of killing a support behind a rein shield as long as the support just happens to walk right into the one spot that's being blindly spammed with indirect fire from beyond visual range.
Maybe Junkrat needs to be able to store an additional mine or jump farther with them to increase his mobility. Would definitely make him more flexible and fun
As long as DPSs like 76 exist, Junkrat will never have a place in high tier teams. The potential damage coming from a player with very good aim and tracking is just too much compared to his. He can hold chokepoints decently and that's it.
Pharah's always gonna be an issue, but I think the upcoming removal of self-damage is really gonna help his bullying. Diving the enemy reduces their chance to side-step your grenades, and when you die it actually brings your death bombs into play instead of them popping bask away from everyone.
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