What people are saying about "Dark Seer"
Dark Seer
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almost 8 years ago
Shit like this is only going to get worse in a game that has what, over a hundred characters? Companies with games that have a much smaller roster or a handful of classes can't get their shit together, so...
almost 8 years ago
Well, it's just 4 seconds difference anyways. 7.03 didn't changed anything too much actually, just 0.1% stuff.
almost 8 years ago
@Chattman Word Doesnt matter if u buy octarine which embers ususally have at level 25, then getting either of talents lets u lock someone down almost permenantly.
if u get 2+ more searing chain => you'll have 6s cd and 5s duration
if u get 20% cd reduction => you'll have 4s cd and 3s duration
about 8 years ago
@Alireza it did get nerfed because now you get reduce searing chains OR 20% Cooldown reduction at level 25 instead of CDR at 20 and searing chains at 25
about 8 years ago
@JetFire: Its true.
about 8 years ago
Suckasaurus Rex
about 8 years ago
@Collin “Engineer” Rotton: Why would Jo play an even worse game?
about 8 years ago
*Cough cough* Heroes of the Storm just got a new character *cough*
about 8 years ago
it won't let me make more then 3 photo notes
about 8 years ago
Meanwhile, Centaur still has a stupid damage reduction buff for his whole team with Aghs ultimate and will remain the most sought after/banned position 3 hero in comp Dota.
about 8 years ago
still no nerf on level 25 ember searing chains