What people are saying about "Freeloader"
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over 7 years ago
honestly when you have an alch and an AM on the team
you're gonna lose 100 %
over 7 years ago
Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here in Heroes of the Storm with no problems like these at all, but that's none of my business.

(Actually I do hate those Ragnaros nerfs. Fok u blizz4rd.)
over 7 years ago
@Beastwolf: Game looks good, but I'm waiting for a price drop.
over 7 years ago
@Waka: Alch got Aghs aharing earlier than AM got an Aghs upgrade.
over 7 years ago
Cool dota-Hey jo you play nier automata yet?
over 7 years ago
Oh, the great and mighty dota argot
over 7 years ago
Oh, the great and mighty dota argot
over 7 years ago
@Waka: Reading comprehension pal... When Alch had the ability to gift Aghanims, AM had no Scepter upgrade yet.
over 7 years ago
how long have you stopped playing Jo? AM has an aghs upgrade, one of the best too. a linkin and lotus melded together.

if there's a carry with a meh aghs, it would be OD or gyro.
over 7 years ago
Back in my day, everyone instalocked Ursa and went to Jungle.