What people are saying about "Vote"
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almost 8 years ago
And here we have the kind of thinking that got us Trump :P
almost 8 years ago
Methinks i smell a hint of political commentary here :)
almost 8 years ago
Thus far I've not seen any Rogue, Paladin, or even Shaman questers yet. I *did* see a lone Mage one though, and some poor sap of a Hunter who got Carnassa out just before I killed him. Honestly though I've been having a lot of fun playing 35 legendary quest Drood. It doesn't always win, but it's fun
almost 8 years ago
Un'Goro meta is the most fun I've had in Hearthstone in a long while and I've been playing since GvG. I play Exodia Mage.
almost 8 years ago
Cavern rogue is fun to play but you can die easily if you draw the wrong cards
What? That's what every combo deck is like? Oh yeah.
almost 8 years ago
In the 2nd panel, Jane's expression is how I imagine a bear would look after just stealing some honey from the bees.

Don't steal honey ursaJo, its not yours!
almost 8 years ago
Constructed will always be unfun to some people, if you don't want to see the same 3-4 decks spammed just play arena and have fun.
almost 8 years ago
After getting about 70 new packs, I got bugger all out of them, now I am getting destroyed by the same decks at level 20.
I am really salty right now.
almost 8 years ago
I actually been enjoying myself with Un´Goro so far.I mean there is still pirate warriors and all that(once curvestone always curvestone) but they had a harder time now a days, and for rougues they aren´t invencibles, if they fall behind they loose, if you counter the quest they loose, and so on.