Playing darkest dungeon?
Just use the wiki. For the love of all the gold and heirlooms you will miss, use the wiki. For a quick rundown
Herbs to pigland
Shovels to cove
Keys to ruins
wiki the weald
Torches are optional
Bring a vestal
Forget about touching the following:
I find Symmetra rather bland and uninteresting. At best, a borderline autist with OCD and an obsession with order. At worst, a corporate attack drone with little regard for who gets trampled in their bid for order.
wonder if they plan to fill out a full deck of "heroes"... 26 down, 26 to go (including jokers, as Junkrat and roadhog are in that list)
for the curious someone made a list on reddit:
"Dark Souls, at least for me, was about finding the combo of weapon + armor which feels just right for you and rolling with it." - I appreciate the pun.