What people are saying about "Run"
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almost 15 years ago
am i the only one who reads the ''huddah'' as a menacing ''hellooo..''
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_17879]@David[/url] -Dead Ringer stops the afterburn, puts down about 8 seconds worth of defense against additional pyro burning, and stops the afterburn damage if lit again. Thats how I recall it working a month ago. But who knows. @The Kluy - "Glad I went to visit scout's mother! Wonder why she wasn't home.
over 15 years ago
"+1 on the wallpaper sized last panel. "

I would totally love that. Awesome panel and my favourite quote so far: "Hudda"
over 15 years ago
These pyro guys are zombie!
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_17970]@Aaron[/url], that's only if you can't use a flare gun.
over 15 years ago
@Enzeru Kagai Baha, you kiddin'? Pyros can't do shit unless they get close :D
over 15 years ago
What if the pyros are all a decoy that will lead the spies into a sentry field?
over 15 years ago
MercenaryBlue and Masterlegodude epic comments say all
over 15 years ago
That pyro is a spy!
over 15 years ago
Burnination in 3...2...1...
over 15 years ago
Poor bastards.
Orin J.
over 15 years ago
Pyros, a soulless plague.
Noah Gibbs
over 15 years ago
Those pyros are left 4 dead 3 zombie pyros!
over 15 years ago
Oh god, It feel like millions of infiltrators all crying out in terror only to be where silenced in one blow.
Enzeru Kagai
over 15 years ago
Mecha Pyros.... can't get close enough to sap them... can't run fast enough to escape... can't shoot fast enough to save yourself... it's all over......
over 15 years ago
Aaand Pyro's are here now why? Are they mecha-pyros engies built? If so, sapper haven.
over 15 years ago
Zombie's here!
Boy Wonder
over 15 years ago
Gentlemen, we are boned!
The Kluy
over 15 years ago
You know what would be ironic?

If the guilty spy wasn't among any of these spies about to get massacred.
over 15 years ago
I would like the last panel background sized too
over 15 years ago
+1 on the wallpaper sized last panel.

Spies: OH SHI-
over 15 years ago
+1 on the wanting last panel as wallpaper.

over 15 years ago

Not sure which is better, the comic, or the comments.
over 15 years ago
@Monty Python: You sir, just won the internet. This applies to Zak too.
over 15 years ago
Red spies and blue spies are working together because we're on the verge of a class war. Red, blue, makes no difference! Pyros hunting spies hunting heavies hunting scouts hunting snipers hunting medics healing heavies hunting a split faction of scouts hunting demomen and soldiers who teamed up
over 15 years ago
Nyur creeled riz renry. man mu rabe er ry.

(you killed his sentry. And you made her cry.)
over 15 years ago
Oh dear lord its like my nightmares have come true!

I bet their also immune to ambassador headshots and can see through all the stealths!
over 15 years ago
@ Spies

Not like Dead Ringers would do anything, considering the spies would still be on fire once lit.
Zak Canard
over 15 years ago
@Sir Bedevere & The Peasants
It's a fair cop.

In my defence I probably shouldn't have turned peasant 3 into a backstabbed peasant. He got better after the respawn tho.
over 15 years ago
"Well its no problem, they're only pyros, we'll just keep up a barrage of revolver fire."

"But we forgot our revolvers."

"Dead ringers?"

"Those too."

over 15 years ago
Pyro FTW!!!
Peasant 2
over 15 years ago
...A Spy!
Sir Bedevere
over 15 years ago
And therefore...
Peasant 1
over 15 years ago
If she weighed the same as a duck... she's made of wood.
Sir Bedevere
over 15 years ago
...Exactly. So, logically...

King Arthur
over 15 years ago
A Duck.
Peasant 3:
over 15 years ago
Lead! Lead!
Peasant 2
over 15 years ago
Peasant 1
over 15 years ago
Peasant 3:
over 15 years ago
Peasant 2
over 15 years ago
Peasant 1
over 15 years ago
Peasant 3:
over 15 years ago
Very small rocks.
Peasant 2
over 15 years ago
Peasant 1
over 15 years ago
Sir Bedevere
over 15 years ago
No, no. What else floats in water?
Peasant 1
over 15 years ago
No, no, it floats!... It floats! Throw them into the pond!
Sir Bedevere
over 15 years ago
Does wood sink in water?
Peasant 1
over 15 years ago
Oh yeah.
Sir Bedevere
over 15 years ago
But can you not also build bridges out of stone?
Peasant 1
over 15 years ago
Build a bridge out of it.
Sir Bedevere
over 15 years ago
Good. So how do you tell whether one is made of wood?
Peasant 3:
over 15 years ago
...because they're made of... wood?
Sir Bedevere
over 15 years ago
Now tell me, why do Spys burn?
over 15 years ago
The pyros musta worked that spy over with axtinguishers, slapping him on the side with barbed wire...ouch...
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_17842]@Loc[/url]: The PC version has custom stuff like keyboard and mouse control, and in-game text chat.
Snape kills Dumbledor, Claus dies, the cake is a lie.
over 15 years ago
Watch out: In the next comic, the true identity of the Pyro will be revealed: he is a cyborg built by the Engineer.
over 15 years ago
This comic isn't balanced for lean.
over 15 years ago
is it just me, or does this remind me of The Patriot?
over 15 years ago
Mississippi burning.
So all this for a lvl 1 sentry isn't that a little harsh causing a mass burning. Which would lead to a endangerment of spies and might ending up to more blood shed and discrimination of one class than color yeah you do all that for suzy.
Here's an Idea..
over 15 years ago
WAIT! ALL THOSE PYROS were built by the engis to scare out the spies! So that Engi-Tan can get revenge!!!
over 15 years ago
I seems to have burst into flames... everything, actually.
Damn, those pyros are creepy...
over 15 years ago
Idea: That Spah is... an Engineer?

Also: good money says that all pyros are just decoys...
Saint Nick
over 15 years ago
Scenes like the last panel make me proud to be a pyro player.
over 15 years ago
How does that spy even get a internal injury from pyros? unless he got hit by a shotgun, but pro pyros use flare guns. (Axes dont work since he is bleeding from the mouth, thus showing a internal injury. Unless it was a DEEP cut)
over 15 years ago
Apparently when they are off duty, it's not Red vs Blu, but class vs class. Question is, what did he do to piss off the pyros?
Snow Storm
over 15 years ago
I want a wallpaper sized version of the last panel.
Spy with Cloak n' Dagger
over 15 years ago
Lord of the Dance
over 15 years ago
I think this is part of the Engy revenge arc, they built a machine that churns out pyro's to go hunting for all the spies
Random lurker
over 15 years ago
... That is, after the very first one, of course.
Random lurker
over 15 years ago
This just completely takes the challenge out of "Spy here" photo notes. Maybe that was the point?
over 15 years ago
Well I hope all those Spies have Dead Ringers. Because they are asking for it. One is taunting when he/she can clearly see the Pyro's. RIP the late Paul Revere Spy.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Hmm, are the did the Engis recruit Pyros from both sides? Otherwise they'll only be able to kill half the spies there.
A Punching Heavy
over 15 years ago
I want a wallpaper sized version of the last panel.
Mr. Pennyworths
over 15 years ago
You see, my comrades, pyros were indeed a nuisance, but without them, we wouldn't need these disguises. And don't judge me but...I like disguises...don't you agree?
BLU Pyro
over 15 years ago
RED Pyro
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
I would hate to be a spy on that day
over 15 years ago
I'm a little confused. Is this part of the engineer arc? It has the colors, and the spy is being killed, but I'm not sure.
over 15 years ago
"Oh hell. Everyone, pull out your pocket watches...its one of those days..."
Dr. James Woods
over 15 years ago
I wish I could participate in this spy massacre.
over 15 years ago
And this, my friends, is the beginning of the great Spycrab massacre of 1952. That is the cause of why Spycrabs are so rare in the wild today, and why Pyros should never be allowed anywhere near the habitat of these elusive creatures.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
