What people are saying about "Rising Star"
Rising Star
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almost 7 years ago
That third panel makes so much more sense now. that is Jo there, mocking us.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 7 years ago
It's meta-humor, people. Like when tenta-jo itself shows up on panel. It's not that deep, fam.
almost 7 years ago
Ok, I don't want to tell Jo how to do your comics but honestly, this has been enough. The other strips were barely funny and saved themselves because they were cute, this isn't either and just feels like wasting time.

This joke is on Jo, not the girls.
almost 7 years ago
@The J Man: The joke is that Purple Inkling Girl has been the main character of five comics in a row now and the main girls are feeling salty at all the attention she's getting. It's also possible that strips featuring Purple Inkling Girl are bringing in more views than the others at the moment.
almost 7 years ago
Wait I'm confused! What's the punchline?

No offense I'm legit confused here.
almost 7 years ago
How about the next costume be cephalopod themed?
almost 7 years ago
Oh, given the skirt and the beret I thought it was Anne-Marie playing splatoon. (I've never played splatoon)
almost 7 years ago
Pyre is so good. It's greater than I anticipated.
Yo, it's not a spoiler, but when you try to Liberate Jodariel pair her up with Pamitha(it's possible only after first Liberation).
almost 7 years ago
Jane should be happy. It means she doesn't have to wear that dress as much as if you focused on the bar.
As for the rest of the crew, I'd avoid getting within signal distance of Morgan.
almost 7 years ago
Is this where hat girl went?
almost 7 years ago
Purple inkling girl new character confirmed