What people are saying about "Digging Up Dirt"
Digging Up Dirt
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over 6 years ago
Hum... kinda sad that no one say something about MM reference...
almost 7 years ago
@Shareazu: that game got 4 million in funding, that's a little too much if you ask me...
take Freedom planet for example (a spiritual successor to sonic)
it got 25,472$ and it was a massive success

compare that with mighty number 9 which got 6 million and the game feels like it got 6,000$
almost 7 years ago
@Noam Ben Arih: That's not always the case, i mean, Pillars of Eternity was made with Kickstarter, and it's an awesome game, the true spiritual sucessor of the Badur's Gate series!
almost 7 years ago
Hey, Josué, since you make Shovel knights comics, have you checked out hollow knight? It's a pretty good platformer/metroidvania and just like SK the devs are bros, having the game at only 15bucks and giving free DLC over the year...
almost 7 years ago
Wow, Mighty No. 9 got a case of hover hands...
almost 7 years ago
@Noam Ben Arih: Yes, Kickstarter is throwing money at an idea with the vague hope of something coming from it, and less hope of something good coming from it in a timely manner. Except for the times when it works.
almost 7 years ago
the more money a kickstarter gets the worse products they produce

they already got the kickstarter money, so it doesn't matter for them if it sells or not
devs need to make good games in order for them to sell, with kickscammer
you basically pay them upfront without any guarantee
almost 7 years ago
For anyone who hasn't seen it, one of my favorite pics (a theoretical showing of the fusions between different sets of these three) http://68.media.tumblr.com/58222a456361fa4e3217a149c7f8c757/tumblr_mx1rhsCUMv1rcs9gvo1_500.jpg
almost 7 years ago
@Frost: Might9 got twice Shantae's funding. Imagine if it had been the other way around.
almost 7 years ago
I predict next comic could be about artifact: the shitstorm
almost 7 years ago
Shantae HGH was a step down from Pirate's Curse, but it was still pretty good. Hopefully Wayforward get better funding for their next Shantae game so they aren't as hindered.
almost 7 years ago
@Andre Swartz: 9, obviously. He got worried when Dr. White started installing blacklights in the lab for "research" purposes...
almost 7 years ago
Would you look at that? It exists. http://imgur.com/FNuwzu0
almost 7 years ago
Well, this is a blast from the past: https://www.vg247.com/2013/09/18/mighty-no-9-developer-contributing-to-both-new-shantae-games/

To be fair, Inti Creates had made some good Megaman games before making that colossal flop known as Mighty Number 9.
almost 7 years ago
Now the question becomes who buried that?