What people are saying about "Reflex"
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over 7 years ago
@Martin Mikalsen: It was also only if you input the "Justin Bailey" password
over 7 years ago
Does this mean a reboot of the girls’s story? It’s been ages, we left off at the bar. Morgan’s security blanket was the only update to the story in months.
over 7 years ago
@Beastwolf: Only on the NES because of color limitations. It's the same reason Peach and Zelda have red hair in the NES games
over 7 years ago
Seriously... just get the girls cosplay as Overwatch girls/boys/robots/weeaboos again.
over 7 years ago
I sense new fanservice...
over 7 years ago
Wasn't her hair green?
over 7 years ago
Good response for most planets she goes to I imagine.
over 7 years ago
Poor Angie getting the counter-punch. Nice seeing Zamus again, finally she got that game.
over 7 years ago
Metroid: Samus Returns for the 3DS
over 7 years ago
what game?