-> The biggest problem with grind, well, comes with compulsory completionism, and the want to play with all the shinies at least once during your playtime. And yes, I will agree that the ability to not buy slots directly without plat or earn plat in, say, sorties, is kinda BS. But trade helps there.
-> everything, and while I most certainly wouldn't suggest STAYING with the MK-1 weapons you get in the tutorial (though all of these gear's standard versions are fantastic starting points), it is plausable to buff your basics that high up with various ways, like forma or the recently-added Rivens->
I may like to play devil's advocate for Warframe a bit, but with a tiny bit of thought, one realizes that you technically never need to leave the Mk1 weapons and starter frame to enjoy ALL OF THE STORY CONTENT. Naturally, the penisbar that is the Mastery Rank pushes you to keep grinding for ->
@Frost, if you want to get all the gear/stuff and all the characters, then probably. If you are ok with using stuff which is 10-30% less powerful, then not really.
Essential, we are all playing Bungie's watered down version of Borderlands. Traveling across the planet to stop the bad guys, picking classes that are said to be different but not really, and two of the same weapons that you will throw one away because the other does 5 more damage per shot.
Well, due to the fact that a Hunter seems like a ranged guardian and the hood is the best out of the football equipment and the second-hand Harry Potter cloak, I would choose that...
@Nos Rin: warframe is totally playable solo/PuG-ing. Also you can join a newbie-friendly clan. Say, my clan leader is a pretty good troll. He likes to take new players to the horrid places to make them learn teamwork and stuff the hard but efficient way. It works.
@aikidodude05: What this guy said. Sometimes in PvE you will absolutely prefer one skill over another. Also, One class always dominates in PvP. For instance, when I am fighting the raid boss I want hunters with the single golden gun shot helmet. I want a titan with the crouch reload perk in shadow.
@Olright: warframe is for people who claim they will help you, then turn around and tell you it's not worth their time, so play on your own or with randoms to catch up while they continue to get further ahead. because what the hell are friends for? except to be there to tell you they won't play with
Never played the original. I decided to try 2 since it came out on PC. I had to force myself to play through the campaign so I didn't feel like I wanted my money. When I claimed the preorder items I found I had zero desire to bother with the end game. The game was just boring to me.
cute comic and I get your rant but its not about damage speed or damage reduction its about the skill sets. void titans bubbles and protects the team, the nighthunter debuffs the boss letting the team do incressed damage, and the locks are about CCing and generation orbs to feed thier teammates.