What people are saying about "Catching Up"
Catching Up
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about 7 years ago
@Tracker Alias: In Undertale when they make something rotate instead of drawing the same object in different angles, like they used to do back them, they just rotate the object. Also the space between two pixels can be a fraction of a pixel. It is just stick-men animation covered in pixels.
about 7 years ago
@T: You know Undertale was made with RPG maker, right? not flash? Graphics are drawn, imported, then positioned frame by frame same as with any 'pixely' game... MM11 clearly looks like it's had attention to it already, just look at the way its stylised.
about 7 years ago
Anyone comparing MM11 to MN9 at this stage clearly wasn't paying attention because this early look already looks better than anything in MN9, seriously just go back and pay attention to that segmented miniboss it's fucking beautiful looking.
about 7 years ago
@Raxyz: Doing real pixel graphics is a lot of work since you have to draw every frame of the animation. This is why so many go to 3D graphics even if the gameplay is 2D. The lazy thing is when you use pixelated graphics in flash animation like in Undertale.
about 7 years ago
Capcom must cease to exist, and pass it's IP's to more worthy companies. Its honestly one of the worst videogame companies out there.
about 7 years ago
@RoderickBR: Looks like a direct evolution of Megaman 8 graphics. Personally, I hate pixel graphics. I can play a game with them (hell, played Metal Gear MSX these days), but for a new game I see no reason to do it other than low-effort/low-budget. No pizzasplosions is already a plus...
about 7 years ago
Here's hoping Capcom start getting it's shit back together. TBT I like them, but sometimes they can really piss people off. XD

The new Monster Hunter, Megaman 11 and Great Turnabout 2 (JP only for now)are promising at least.
about 7 years ago
I know everyone's first impression of MM11's graphics is that it ressembles MN9, but I think they are doing it more like those latest Megaman X titles, which is not all that bad.
about 7 years ago
Megaman 11? Should we be worried?
about 7 years ago
Please God. Please let it not be shit.
about 7 years ago
I'd rather a Capcom that's willing to show Mighty Number 9 how it's done then a Konami and make a pachinko machine as the only thing left of the franchise.