What people are saying about "Mante of Indecency"
Mante of Indecency
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about 7 years ago
Assuming she is naked under that blanket, Anne is probably the only person to say she would rather go to work naked than wear the uniform and actually follow through with what she said.
about 7 years ago
You know the solution, Anne. Overalls and no shirt. Heck, you could probably get away with claiming it's because the shirt itches.
about 7 years ago
I think Jose Pereira is too lasy to draw pretty Anne (kappa)
about 7 years ago
Ah yes , the Mante of indecency.
Its just the decency Mante but with knives.
I noticed that in the tab its spelled mante :P
about 7 years ago
I'm not sure Anne was supposed to look like a Dr. Seuss' character in the middle panel, but...
about 7 years ago
And then, we'll see Zone-tan popping out of the mantle. That would be pretty indecent !
about 7 years ago
Mantle of indecency: semi-transparent thin cloth. Or she could wear it with the suspenders down and accidentally wet that white shirt.
about 7 years ago
I mean, couldn't she wear a flesh-toned top under her overalls and pretend?
about 7 years ago
@Mandemon: Hmmm... I remember the comics more. The catchphrase didn’t sound as cheesy.
about 7 years ago
Not working? I don’t know about that, she IS naked under there (right?). She just isn’t fully utilizing the mantles potential, but she’ll figure it out eventually.
about 7 years ago
I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the shadows on the walls! I am batteries not included!

I am Darkwing Duck!

Man I miss that show.
about 7 years ago
@Lien: I’m glad someone else remembers him! Better than Batman.

I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the onion that stings in your eyes/the hair in the lens of your projector/the surcharge that triples your bill/the tube of Cadmium Yellow that is impossible to open! I am Darkwing Duck!
about 7 years ago
Anne-Marie, you know what you need to do. Flash them. FLASH THEM ALL!!!!
about 7 years ago
Anne, No! If you don't suffer now, you will miss your next chance at corrupting the girls.
about 7 years ago
Definitely not working as intended.
about 7 years ago
Not working as intended I guess. XD