wait... are they making a remaster of Warcraft III? shouldn't they do a collection Remaster if they're remastering the Warcraft games? i wouldn't know for sure as the Warcraft games came out when i was too young to play anything more complicated than the most simple of Gamecube games
You know what we really need. Remakes of all the Warcraft RTS games, not just WC3.
Just try installing WC1 or 2 on a modern machine. The newer PC's don't recognize it as windows compatible.
@Nos Rin: Since Morgan is not helping bringing more clients and Engie is the responsible for allowing that Engie to do extra fan-service to compensate. it is a business and a business that relies in fan-service.
still pole dancing, nice. I would not mind if jo just made an entire strip of her doing that, and a second strip of morgan annoyed and asking why she still was.
that would be hilarious.