What people are saying about "Procrastination"
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almost 7 years ago
>Looks at panel 2

Jo is Canadian?

Anyway, accurate comic is accurate.
almost 7 years ago
AHHH Panel 2 is classic Weeble and Bob!
almost 7 years ago
@Marios Andreou: And it will be alive for approximately 3 weeks before fading into obscurity I bet
almost 7 years ago
if you running out of ideas for a comic try make something about the game block n load.
this game is basically what you get when you combine tf2 with minecraft.
almost 7 years ago
@Vargos: We should count ourselves lucky that we can not. Such impossible knowledge would shatter our very belief in reason, matter, and cephalopods being native to Earth.
almost 7 years ago
O can really tell Jo was rushing I can taste the art style but, good job for getting an update out. Have a pat on the back.
almost 7 years ago
Looks like Jo’s Instant Gratification Monkey is in full control!

Oh and for those who don’t get it
almost 7 years ago
Can we get an anatomy of Jo?
almost 7 years ago
Oh man, that mouth makes Jo look freaky. Well, okay, I know he already looks freaky since he's a tentacle. The mouth makes him look way MORE freaky.
almost 7 years ago
Jo could always make a filler comic about
He's not into 40K but he did create the character.
almost 7 years ago
Just gonna add that the page "Vida Loca" has the last and next function grayed out on it. So that may just be a me issue, but I thought I'd say it incase it wasn't.
almost 7 years ago
Somewhere in my memory there's a weirdier mouth, too lazy to look in the old comics.
almost 7 years ago
What people are saying about "Procrastination": "Nah, I'll say it later."
almost 7 years ago
@Matthew Wells: Waka Waka Waka.
almost 7 years ago
Panel two will haunt me.