What people are saying about "Patch 7.12"
Patch 7.12
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almost 7 years ago
so you want him to revert techies back to the old version? cause the changes you suggest are what he used to be and he was even more of a stalling hero in the past.
almost 7 years ago
I guess Icefrog is just a retard with a short attention span.
almost 7 years ago
So... Where's Victorie?
almost 7 years ago
Maybe, but do you truly believe the average Techies game has the same length than a non-Techies game?

I'm fairly confident Techies games last longer, moreso in a competitive setting where people risk less.

His winrate isn't an issue here, only Icefrog fearing long matches back to ba
almost 7 years ago
I was a Techies main not long ago. I had an >average< game lenght of 31 minutes. With 56% winrate over quite a lot of matches. Left Dota cuz of ppl who bitch about a hero, thinking it's a troll pick and pick jungle shit into it. My winrate would've been about 65% without such ppl.
almost 7 years ago
Yes, keep trash in the binbin