What people are saying about "Recall"
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over 6 years ago
@Bottas Heimfe (Dovahkiin): If you want to see a great video discussing at length Tracer and her time-manipulation abilities, and how they can destroy the universe, check out The Science! "The Tracer Paradox"... it's really interesting. :)

over 6 years ago
Yeah, being back in her room makes more sense.
over 6 years ago
Wait... When I looked at the image this morning, the last panel showed her standing in a street in her pajamas with a bystander given her an irritated stare. Now she's back to the bedroom?

Ah, that version its still in the cache on Feedly :)

*link* http://www.nerfnow.com/img/2312/3599/large.jpg
over 6 years ago
@Bottas Heimfe (Dovahkiin): That's exactly what _was_ happening to her before Winston made the Chronal Accelerator. That keeps her anchored (with some ability to bend time under her control). It only needs to be near her rather than worn, but wearing it makes it easy to carry it about :)
over 6 years ago
Time manipulation like this is not as fun as it looks. really i'm amazed Tracer hasn't disappeared from existence altogether. and i don't mean death. i mean her very existence disappears from ALL time.
over 6 years ago
@Paul Hardcastle: Presumably it rewinds to the point where it's no longer in Tracer's weird time field at which point it probably falls to the ground.
over 6 years ago
dog if you nut in tracer and she teleports backwards what happens to the nut? Does it go back in yo dicj or what?
over 6 years ago
But she's a ghost anyway so she should be immune to anything that would make her be out of shape?
over 6 years ago
Two things:

Google login is still broken

I now demand tracer as a recurring character.
over 6 years ago
Then she have to eat cake for less than 3 seconds.
over 6 years ago
Mondays, am I right?