What people are saying about "Bayonetta's Joke"
Bayonetta's Joke
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over 13 years ago
She needs a haircut
about 15 years ago
First I was like this -.- Then I was like this :D
about 15 years ago
"He was never really" would be a much less terrible way to phrase that.
about 15 years ago
You guys have some weird taste, Bayonetta's hot, with or without her hair-clothes. You guys sound like pedos with 2D complexes.

And you guys should TRY THE DEMO before you knock it. The gameplay's awesome. It's a lot like DMC and actually rivals DMC3 in quality.
about 15 years ago
I don't know about you guys, but I'm quite fond of both versions of her appearance (though her legs are a little too long to be realistic).

Is this another case of 3D pig disgusting?
about 15 years ago
Cry some more.

I'm too old to play bayoneta, she can't show me anything, which i don't saw. I don't like breasts because they breasts, any woman have something more than only breasts, face for example. Her is ugly.

And i don't play games, which you name. Especially console.
about 15 years ago
I'm sorry that you are too young to play Bayonetta Their Name. I think you should go back to playing hardcore games like halo, call of duty, and gears of war because they all have big hairy men for you to touch yourself to.
Their Name
about 15 years ago
Jashin, it means you do not play good games.

Lolwut, in the comic she looks like comic, circle, circle, sticks and square. In the game she looks like ugly slut. With bad hair. Double bad hair.
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
@Your Name
Actually, in the comic she looks animu, whereas in the game she does not. Says alot.

And I say the game is worth at least trying. It's pretty awesome, what with the guns and powers.
about 15 years ago
Her own hair?

So at least part of that hair is from... Down there?
about 15 years ago
So..... the comic author hasn't even played Bayonetta... and doesn't want to, because its about sex appeal? wtf? What does a game have to do, to look appealing?

If he doesn't like action games, thats fair enough, but Bayonetta is god damn awesome. Seriously the best game I have ever played.
Your Nаme
about 15 years ago
She is ugly. In this comic she is much, much more pretty than in a game.
Your Name
about 15 years ago
She is ugly. In this comic she is much, much pretty then in a game.
about 15 years ago
DO WANT grandma mid telekinesis and revolver!11
about 15 years ago
I think not
Gianluca Abad
about 15 years ago
Great comic, as always... fan service ftw!
World Without Mudkipz
about 15 years ago
A spy walks into a bar and the bartender asks
-Why the wrong face.
about 15 years ago
For those of you not familiar with the game:
Bayonetta is a witch who uses her hair to cast spells. Her summons? Made out of hair. That leather outfit she has on? Also made out of her hair. She's not wearing any real clothes, except perhaps for that red ribbon.
about 15 years ago
troll now?? :O
Spah Here
about 15 years ago
People who think like that are tards, then. It's a game, not a gender decider. Just get it and play it. I don't care if I play as a grandma. If they give me telekinesis and a revolver, I'm set.
about 15 years ago
that's why some times it's not a good idea to use a female as a main character.
some people just dislike it before actually touching the game.
about 15 years ago
The joke was actually funny. D:
about 15 years ago
if i liek DMC wid epic dante i completelly dislike dat slut
about 15 years ago
Thought I'd say, You still have to control Bayonetta and mash a button from what I have gathered. It's over the top like Devil May Cry... same director, so if you liked DMC you'll probably like this.
about 15 years ago
You only get about a second of Bayonetta's body when using special moves.
about 15 years ago
Heh, funny joke... on a side note, how does she control her hair?
about 15 years ago
Well, the comic made me laugh twice, without actually reading the description ..

Nice work as usual
Spah here
about 15 years ago
Dohohoho, best joke, EVER!

Oh yeah, and the tits are a nice add as well...Joke was fuckin AWESOME though!
about 15 years ago
They actually took time to make a one handed mode

Dammit Japan
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
Thank you Jo, for having some sense.
Who knows though, the game may actually be good.

...but geez, look at the official character model...she's 11 heads tall!
Zak Canard
about 15 years ago
You can play one-handed? Faptastic!
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_21206]@KBF[/url]: Me Too. Poor Bayonetta, I thought the joke was actually pretty funny :(
about 15 years ago
Wow... Nernow has now his own stand up comedy hour show? Jose is more successful then i thought!
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_21237]@Kajy[/url] So no one is ever turned on by nymphomaniacs? Shit, man. I married the wrong chick.
about 15 years ago
WHIZZLES... Bayonetta is Devil May Cry, except with crazier action and a lot more hair.
Also, the whole "lol whun hand gaem" shit is just a joke mode. The whole "SEX SEX SEX SEX" thing on Bayonetta is a huge joke. No one would be turned on by a chick who goes "HOLY SHIT SEX FUCK YEAH WHOOOOA SEX".
The Weasel
about 15 years ago
Sarah Palin? Oh wait...
about 15 years ago
I like your Bayonetta a lot better than the real one. The real one looks like a librarian. Yours looks like a cute girl with glasses. :3
about 15 years ago
One of the other reasons you left out for why it's doing so well: the story and scenarios are pretty much over-the-top. For pete's sake, you drive through space on a motorcycle to deliver an epic punch at one point.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_21222]@zeruf[/url]: I hate the 'MINE!1!' notes more than the '___ here' notes But i still agree nonetheless
Devil Dan
about 15 years ago
What I also like is the ridiculously over the top action and visuals, which I came to love in DMC.
about 15 years ago
It is a genuinely fun game. I was a sceptic too until I played the demo (and I didn't know about the one handed bit!)
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_21213]@Amplify[/url] i fully agree.
about 15 years ago
That red haired guy looks like how I imagine the pyro to look under his mask (red hair, and kind of skinny).

Also, I second the request for wallpaper.
Robert Frazer
about 15 years ago
Bayonetta's receiving quite a strong reception outside of Japan as well. In the UK it even got 10/10 in Edge Magazine, which likes to talk up gaming-as-art and is notoriously harsh in its reviews.
about 15 years ago
I do wish everybody who did photo notes along the lines of "Spy here!", "Mine" or "I claim this" or anything remotely similar such as "Hunter here", gets a permanent ban from ever posting again :/
about 15 years ago
Before I read the commentary I thought this comic was about Nerf Now in general.
about 15 years ago
Well hopefully when Bayonetta hits the US it will show the differences between the US and JP. In JP, they like more "hardcore" games that punish you for every mistake (Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, etc.) while in the US, we tend to lean towards more visually stunning versions like God of War.
Devil Dan
about 15 years ago
Also, you'r Bayonetta is sooooo cute! Request wallpaper for great justice.
about 15 years ago
Bayonetta? I can't play it for fear of the main character's legs triggering every single Uncanny Valley reaction I have.
about 15 years ago
this is a comedy club not a GENTLEMEN club!
Devil Dan
about 15 years ago
From the demo, it seems to be a pretty good hack'n'slash DMC style. Normal attacks, sepecial attacks, combos, guns, dodging, witch time and all that jazz. If that's not your cup of earl grey, then move on to something else. Mass Effect 2 is also comming this month and I'm getting both.
about 15 years ago
Personally, I think Bayonetta looks like a dull game.

But the joke made me crack up, though
about 15 years ago
What's that saying about glass houses?
about 15 years ago
I'd rather not have her do the "strip" though... I don't wanna be her hairy dragon thingy's sandvich. (NOM NOM NOM)