try make something tf2 related.
yesterday we had to push the payload,we had a lot's of dps classes so i decided to go spy so i can sap their teleporters so i can slow them down,a few minutes later we had 4 spies,2 snipers and 2 scouts.what noobs.
The only thing more infuriating than people walking through the meat grinder is when your tank swaps to DPS just to run at the meat grinder. Because you was being instantly deleted with a 500 HP character with a big barrier, but surely a 200 HP character will handle it better.
If you're looking for a simple cheap game, that will probably give you tons of material try Monster Prom. (No, I'm totally not saying that hoping for cheese cake...)
@xkcd_386: there are 2 different keyboard layouts where S is right next to F - just because the layout you use doesn't have them next to each other doesn't mean everyone's doesn't
Could be something like a mild dyslexia? I have to re-read my posts half a dozen times and I still notice misplaced/missing/wrong words afterwards. Replacing word with world, etc. It isn't really a matter of me lacking skill with the English language. Not in my case anyway.
Although I've not played ranked, I've had this same situation while playing Mercy, along with people pinging that they need healing while running AWAY from me further into the grinder