What people are saying about "Work Conditions"
Work Conditions
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over 6 years ago
@Jorge E. Martinez: And no physical violence from your master/employer... typically.
over 6 years ago
@Lesták Gábor, the only difference with traditional slavery, it's that you get to love your own slavery thanks to consumism.
over 6 years ago
Slavery never ended, it was just re branded and is called capitalism now.
If you work for a big multi corporation you essentially have no rights.
Want to have a job tomorrow? Better crunch those extra hours.
Don't like it? Too bad you are replaceable and we have fuckoff big lawyers if you sue.
over 6 years ago
over 6 years ago
The best friends have experience in the industry and they say it's no surprise.
over 6 years ago
I'm just gonna leave this here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXFKnkTr4Rk
over 6 years ago
"Please. Don't let the fact that - as the author and artist - that I have nigh-godlike control over every aspect of your life, influence your opinions of matters in any regard..."