What people are saying about "Deader Horse"
Deader Horse
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about 6 years ago
Anyone think maybe the publisher is just a glutton for punishment? Like, perversely turned on by it?

Some people you punish and they improve their behavior. Others scream "YES!!! HURT ME MORE DADDY!!!". I think maybe it's time to just abandon them; they can love bad press, but not lost cash.
over 6 years ago
@Cristian Acosta
You mean exactly like with TW2 collector's edition? The one that had Geralt's head, that on the pictures looked like some marble imitation, but the actual one was made out of gypsum or some crap and for some people it arrived in pieces?
But remember, CDProjekt Red can do no wrong.
over 6 years ago
If people didn't hate Fo76 most people wouldn't have cared about the bag. An example of this is when a friend of mine got the collectors edition of Witcher 3, and the statue was cheap looking comparedto the ad, and they didn't even get the worst one there were far worse ones, floating around online.
over 6 years ago
i hope people sue them.
over 6 years ago
They absolutely have opened themselves up to false advertising and fraud suits against them for the collectors edition, and arguably, the door to fraud against them for promises about the game not being delivered (something we've all accepted more or less since molyneux, but could be interesting)
over 6 years ago
What's funny is that 500 atoms aren't even enough to get the canvas bag item in-game (it cost 700). They should create a new item "Nylon bag" costing 500 atoms to make the insult even better !
over 6 years ago
It's worse that what it seems. If you take the 500 atoms, then technically you've received compensation for the "damages" - and so you can't sue them. Shady as FUCK. If you bought the game, DON'T take the atoms!
over 6 years ago
How about the fact that they copy-pasted code straight from Skyrim and Fallout 4?

They didn't even change the comments in the code which are still marked *skyrim* and *fallout4*
over 6 years ago
Hey Dave, if they go bankrupt at least, maybe a better company will pick up tes
over 6 years ago
If they're going into money issues, they had better at least release TES 6 before they close up shop. *shakes fist in selfish rage*
over 6 years ago
Failout 76.
over 6 years ago
Fuck. You. Todd.
over 6 years ago
They seem to be going intentionally out of their way to make this release crash and burn.
over 6 years ago
>I am starting to believe Bethesda may be bankrupt.

Honestly, I think you might be onto something here.
over 6 years ago
It's actually impressive how can big companies manage to screw up so royally... it seems specially common these days.
over 6 years ago
Wrong, bad Jo. They didn't tell anyone about the change, and the store page still shows the canvas bag. It's not entitled people pissed about the price, it's a case of blatant false advertising.
over 6 years ago
I claim the dead and throughtly tenderised horse meat for myself