What people are saying about "Store Wars"
Store Wars
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over 5 years ago
I haven't been following this, and I'm only on Steam right now. What has Epic done?
over 5 years ago
This is so accurate it hurts.. If EpicStore provided a better service instead of buying developers to force their game into their platform with exclusivity deals people wouldn't be so mad at them right now..
over 5 years ago
This is so accurate it hurts.. If EpicStore provided a better service instead of buying developers to force their game into their platform with exclusivity deals people wouldn't be so mad at them right now..
over 5 years ago
Did anyone go for the water costume?
over 5 years ago
The issue is extremely complicated.
On one hand its amazing for developers, but its a train wreck for the consumer.
Spyware, password loss, lack of features, and exclusive bullying. Not to mention, Epic has an amazingly terrible track record of customer support.
over 5 years ago
If Epic wanted to do the right thing they would sell cheaper and treat the money lost as investment. Exclusivity is bullshit.
over 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
Am I the only one who doesn't see a difference between what Epic is doing and what Steam was doing when it was starting up... before, you know, they nearly monopolized the market?
over 5 years ago
Epic even admits that it's unsustainable right now. This is a gambit to gain market share then they'll raise rates later. I hate the narrative some are pushing that they are "the good guys" "saving us from Steam". It's just a strategy, it's the Walmart strategy really.
over 5 years ago
Oh, we already know they are using underhanded tactics with the consumers. Their store spies on you already.
over 5 years ago
She is a spy... of course she'll want to switch sides, but only so that the enemy would think that way and then backstab it
over 5 years ago
"I could write a looong rant about the whole Epic stuff but" I WONT.
thats the most legitimate reason someone gave about epic situation i saw.
And that says a lot about the whole thing :D
So ... its a release scheduled half a year later, outrageous.
over 5 years ago
Jim Sterling said it best: Epic's methods are morally reprehensible and underhanded, but from a business perspective they're doing the objectively correct move, and in fact, the only correct move, to try to break Steam's monopoly on the gaming world.

It sucks they had to go this far, but...