What people are saying about "Goalie"
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engineer update
over 14 years ago
after this engie update, this problem is now gone, thanks to the engie learning to MOVE HIS SHIT
about 15 years ago
Engie is obviously one of the new TF2 bots.
about 15 years ago
Shitty arc is shitty
about 15 years ago
Sniper here.
about 15 years ago
My guess Engie-tan went AFK and left a paperweight on her mouse.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24213]@Pertamax[/url]: I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. WISH I HAD AN ACTUAL HAT
about 15 years ago
YAY she's back!
about 15 years ago
@Tal-con: lol
Uber Spycrab
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24238]@Anonamouse[/url]: The only difference is the artit's art style. It's still the same character design.
about 15 years ago
Oh God, that Engy.
I laughed muchly.
about 15 years ago
@Lightning Lad see the first comic (http://nerfnow.com/comic/4) and compare it to the current one. See the difference?
about 15 years ago
Okay... I dont get it.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24193]@Regal[/url]: Except that their team is made entirely of server regulars, all of which have proven to be quite capable. In addition, they managed to take out the entire enemy team before falling themselves. Really, it's more Engie being an idiot then pessimistic.
about 15 years ago
i bet shes a spy.
about 15 years ago
Once your engies start building on the final point as soon as the round starts, you've already lost. !nextmap
about 15 years ago
This comic is too DEEP for you to understand
about 15 years ago
battlengie she is not
about 15 years ago

Also, everyone who doesn't get the pessimism here has never played TF2 with bad teammates.
about 15 years ago
this.... is actually my most hated maps, i NEVER, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever, got a good team that can push D:

oh and btw i just got tryolean and beanie hat for medic und pyro XD
A Bag of Opinions
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24198]@Zech[/url]: Yeah... ...what you said.
about 15 years ago
On 5 point cap maps, I think best engineer tactics revolve around level 1 sentry and teleporters, and shot gun. You need to keep moving up, and that means not sitting around a gun wacking it... but you can still drop it in good spots to cover your back. Teleporters on maps all about speed? GOOD.
about 15 years ago
Silly Engie. She needs to try out some fungineering; if she had built a Lv. 1 at mid rather than a Lv. 3 at the last point, then she could have capped and her team would have gotten an awesome forward spawn. For shame, Engie, for shame.
about 15 years ago
There is respawns in this arc? ... HAX!!!
about 15 years ago
We've secretly replaced Engie-tan with a bot. Let's see if anyone notices.
about 15 years ago
Over already? What does this have to do with pessimism? RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE
BLU team
about 15 years ago
Aye, give us a hand!
Help now!
Assistance bitte!
Need some help here!
Lightning Lad
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24182]@Anonamouse[/url]: You haven't been reading the comic from the very beginning, haven't you? This IS the original.
about 15 years ago
Combat Engineer. Set up tele's and sentry.

Even a level 1 sentry in an ambush spot can kill a weakened enemy.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24183]@Namos[/url]: Engie boredom problem? That's an issue with the player, not the class. You do things other than stand around next to your sentry. If nothing else, you can guard a different entry point and keep an eye on your sentry's ammo bar.
about 15 years ago
So is the pessimism of the engie, who does not believe in her team, or Jo's, who doesn't believe Valve are ever going to fix the engie boredom problem?
about 15 years ago
Hate engie's new look. Go back to the original engie-tan!!!!
about 15 years ago
Will we ever get back to Drone-tan?
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24157]@Discrider[/url]: Except the red spycrab was an effective spy - he took out the blue sniper.
about 15 years ago
I actually miss the Mass Effect Arc too. I ENJOYED SEEING FUTA SHEPARD!
H Snake
about 15 years ago
I miss the Mass Effect arcs...
Anonymous Coward
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_24139]@codfish[/url] Basically, this series was about (minor-) Epic Fails. Except for that Valentine's Day tsundere omake. Still, nothing compares to the TF Babies arc. That was dawwwwwww-inducing.
about 15 years ago
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy btw.

If RED did not have a Spycrab on its team, then the lack of one BLU member at the fight in a game as even as this one is, would cause RED to roll BLU. Luckily, fail engie is as effective as a Spycrab, so everything is still equal.
about 15 years ago
So instead of pushing and helping the fight at center, or preparing to fall back to the second last point, this engie regards her team-mates as retards who she expects to lose both the center and the second last point in quick succession.

Hence pessimism
about 15 years ago
Fail robot engie -_-

Engie is camping the first point. In a linear 5-cap map (which this is as indicated by the greyed out center point the teams are trying to cap), until someone caps the middle point, everyone spawns at the last point; the end points.

This Engie has setup there
about 15 years ago
This comic is showing a camping engineer, sitting like a Goalie at the end of the map. Not building a teleporter for his team.
about 15 years ago
It could be showing the basic to-and-fro of each battle. All the medics kill each other, most of the classes destroy each other in the main rush and anyone who attempts to cap/defend the point kills themselves. They respawn, and the whole cycle starts up again.
about 15 years ago
Are Jo decided to end this story arc prematurely? is this related with the new starcraft beta coming out recently? Please explain to us Jo
about 15 years ago
And this how the stories goes. Here we go again! *Putting helmet and prepares to blast some maggots*
about 15 years ago
what. i don't get it. Why the title was pesimissm?
about 15 years ago
I do not know how this relates to the arc's tittle, "Pessimism".
about 15 years ago
Run blue pyro RUN!!!
about 15 years ago
Who is the real machine, the sentry, or the engineer? More engineers need to learn that they have a shotgun and pistol.