What people are saying about "Family Friendly"
Family Friendly
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almost 6 years ago
i think both sonic satam and the crappy sonic both had the chilidog thing.
almost 6 years ago
almost 6 years ago
Anne-Marie, the problem is implying that the ONLY reason he'd do a Sonic strip is to make it lewd. It's Jo. OF COURSE he's willing to lewd.
@Teruo_Hirai: Mostly (not entirely) Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. SatAM had it, but didn't make it a big thing.
almost 6 years ago
Jo, didja see the trailer for the new Baldur's Gate? It's being made by the same developers of the Divinity series, and the teaser trailer looks awesoome... now you have no excuse not to play it when it comes!
almost 6 years ago
@JUlius_Nenonen as much as I know that is from the American Sonic cartoon.
almost 6 years ago
First off, yey for fixed comments. ^_^

Also call me strange but I never really understood why it's such a huge thing for Sonic (or sonic characters) to like chili dogs. Can anyone enlighten me?
almost 6 years ago
To be fair, it's still more wholesome than her so-called streaming activities.
almost 6 years ago
Furry Anne is better ^_^