Game came late, little content, no real free progression, only cash progression was an option... not that hs or magic do it way better... but they made way to many mistakes with the launch...
Instead of going for the Meta builds to be strongest So they were able to push onwards to their expansions and add more cards. That being said if artifact got more expansions I don't know if it would be enough at this point as mtg arena and hearthstone have pretty much swallowed the market whole 3/3
And while obviously Magic and Hearthstone also had only 1 set when they came out they had the adavntage of being the first ones on the scene of Tcg's for magic. and first original online tcg for hearthstone. and without a serious competitive desire for either of them people were trying fun ideas 2/3
As someone who really liked artifact but still stopped playing it I'd have to say that it's problem was that it came out to late in the game with to little to offer.
Since the game only had 1 set at launch the number of decks that were available to build and be successful were severely limited 1/2