@Robert Pflieger Video games. Your reference appears to be spot on. Compare https://ncac.org/resource/a-timeline-of-video-game-controversies (first press hit in 1976: Death Race pulled off shelves) & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_%26_Dragons_controversies (first press hysteria in 1979).
@Timothy Du Well, I consider the fact that two companies got the monopoly of the entire industry and manage to keep telling the same story over and over again with small variations as a terrible thing. I don’t see much of a mixed bag.
Well, the fear of comic book in US, thanks to "Seduction of Innocent", gave us Silver Age and proliferation of superheroes along with marking DC and Marvel as Big Two at the price of horror comics.
So mixed bag.
While videogames should not be blamed, the communities....well, they seem to be mixed bag as of now.
Basically, seeing reactions on Battletech's "They" pronoun and "PC pandering" kind of made my eyes roll. You know in a setting where humans are multiracial ("Rabbi Martinez") for the latter.
There is many scientific studies which prove that there is zero correlation with real world violence in children/adults and time spent on violent video games. The media continues to be stupid.
I love the guitar here. Yup, rock and roll is blasphemous devil music and you're not allowed to show the lower half of Elvis Presley dancing or else it would lead young women to sin!
When it comes to politicians; "It's always something/someone else's fault. Totally unrelated to the lobbyists who're giving me big wats of money." Often times it's a good idea to take a second look at who exactly is saying what and most importantly, what they aren't saying.
Because of these idiots, as a kid I couldn't have a tamagotchi. A couple of unfortunate kids killed themselves because they let their 'pet' die, and the media went nuts over it. I paid the price since it's easier to blame the game rather than what caused those two incidents.
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