A bit sad to reduce OG's crazy performance to their trolling skills, tho :p
But yeah,psychological warfare in competition always existed in any sports. OG plays said it often in interview : they do it as much, if not more for themselves, than to tilt the opponent. its a way to deal with pressure
Nope,you're right. Angie is the BLU engie. The red engie with the longer hair was another artist's character, so at some point Jo stopped drawing her. So yeah...I'm confused why Angie switched sides too.
김지인: OG (a dota team) has the habit of spamming sprays and voice lines to taunt their opponent. People say this is the secret to their succesful in Dota.
@Allen Hernandez
It's been so long it's easy to forget the girls origins. I remember when it was just Angie and Tentajoe. Angie with glasses was cute, I miss that. Too bad Zamus didn't stick around either.