I'm bumping these comments to say,
Godot, I love you for the Problem Sleuth shout-out.
almost 15 years ago
47 comment wwhhoooo! wheres my medal!
about 15 years ago
Where the heck did THAT come from?!
An Evil Penguin
about 15 years ago
Bah don't listen to em! Keep up the good work!
Picker of Nits
about 15 years ago
Still, it's too obvious. Everyone saw a Portal 2 (or Ep 3, or both) coming a mile away as soon as they learned about the update. Valve went through way too much trouble to let the big mystery sit for just a week. There's still something going on....
Picker of Nits
about 15 years ago
I take back what I said about Vavle. One week after they released this super big mystery and they just...announce the new game? Not going to let us pick through the clues for a little while longer, or stew in our own speculative juices? Just "Yeah, a Portal sequel." What an anticlimax.
about 15 years ago
@Jesus H Christ: How do you know you've never seen a female Krogan? Eh? Eh?
about 15 years ago
Good. Are you done with this unfunny crap now?
about 15 years ago
actually, i think the arc was pretty good, even not playing mass effect 2 yet. but i have to agree on the other guys that maybe it would be better if the female volus appeared in the background or something.
Jesus H Christ
about 15 years ago
I agree with "Ugh", if you had put the female Volus in the background, it would be acceptable, or maybe make the camera angle above the Asari and the Blonde waists, so it would like if we couldn't see her because she was too short.
Also, I've never seen a female Volus, Turian, Krogan, and Salarian
about 15 years ago
lol, jo changed his steam friends name to Nerf <breathe> Now
about 15 years ago
happy end :D
about 15 years ago
the blonde one turned into a volus!
about 15 years ago
Someone must have been ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL of the volus, to change his mind and go for the female volus instead of the Asari.
about 15 years ago
Eh, she can just hook up with the blonde.
about 15 years ago
Haha. Nice twist.
Blonde friend: Well... I was wrong. So what?
about 15 years ago
You really pulled this out? I mean really. The biggest cliche in this type of story. "He was really going for another lady." If you had at least put the female volus in the background or something it would be more acceptable but ugh. This arc was painful.
about 15 years ago
Awesome, very good ending.
about 15 years ago
I indeed liked it. Thanks Jo!
about 15 years ago
Ha, glad to see it turn out that way, it wouldn't have worked out with the Asari anyways they were obviously totally different types.
about 15 years ago
I can imagine the Heavy going up to the girl Volus and saying,"You are so small, iz funny to me."
about 15 years ago
Obviously the human female from before is the spy, and is now ganking money from the volus. Or maybe was a volus from the start and disguised as human. Or, most likely of all, it's a vorcha spy. Eww.
about 15 years ago
Well this actually makes a lot more sense, seeing as how he needs a pressurised suit to interact with anyone who isn't a Volus.
Picker of Nits
about 15 years ago
These arcs have become more like little bumps. I realize you don't want to spend like three months on one story, but jeez, five pages long?
Besides, knowing Valve, they're probably going to make us squirm for at least another week.
about 15 years ago
@Asari-man: Asari's are only female
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
Wasn't the movie called Stardust?
about 15 years ago
In another universe Portal 2 was announced.
about 15 years ago
It's a twist!
Guy G
about 15 years ago
I may not have liked this arc. But i love this ending...It's so unexpected. xD
about 15 years ago
Interesting, can you post the movie title if you remember it?
about 15 years ago
I want a gusher! I want a watermelon gusher.
Cute arc though.
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25240]@Bloodyfish[/url]: Did you just happen to not notice the mustache on his face?
about 15 years ago
Wow, what burn. Reminds me of another fantasy movie (that I can't recall the name of) where this kid leaves on an adventure to prove his love to the girl of his dreams. Then by the time he makes it back, he's realized how stuck-up she is, and even shows off against her fiance.
about 15 years ago
A fun little story, Jo, thanks for sharing it.
about 15 years ago
Shit arc was shitty
about 15 years ago
Oooh, bummer..
about 15 years ago
ooh burn. lol
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
Didn't he have a mustache last comic?
about 15 years ago
Everyone knows the Asari only wanted the Gushers.
She's actually lesbian with that blonde she was hanging out with earlier.