What people are saying about "Chinese Overlords"
Chinese Overlords
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over 5 years ago
(I don't know the reference of the joke, yet)
I like the media about journalism. In China, it's hard for journalists to know what people really think. But it's the same for the ruling class. So paradoxically, the mass web surveillance help them detect when peoples are disgruntled behind the facade.
over 5 years ago
What I find interesting about this situation is that it's not the only company own by China. But they screwed up so the blizz hate will go on and on. All the salty players will vent and will say fuck you blizz. It's not like riot or valve have some shady secrets too.
over 5 years ago
Human rights are politics now, but only if it's about China and that sweet sweet China money.

You fascists.
over 5 years ago
Fabien Desprez, like really, the US support even some feudal absolutist regimens like Saudi Arabi, but no one talk about that country.
over 5 years ago
One bonus is that Overwatch is about to be over.
over 5 years ago
I want congress to summon Bobby Kotick a la Mark Zuckerberg and let's see how uncomfortable he gets under the hot seat.
over 5 years ago
With the LoL worlds currently pre recording interviews and Tencent's involvement in Epic, let's see if the outrage stays consistent or if it's just Blizzard bashing.
over 5 years ago
People lose their shit when it's related to China but when the US do the same noone bats an eye. Remember the illegal embargo on Iran, how three months ago Riot and other companies pulled out everything from there ? China sucks but the internet is a great bunch of hypocrites.
over 5 years ago
Hey, thanks for taking a stand on this, regardless of the fact that your comic has now been banned in China.
over 5 years ago
At least with the NBA, the guy in charge basically said "We're not going to censor our players or coaches, and if that means money lost, then that's a consequence we accept." Blizzard's gone completely silent even as their own employees rebel against their decision. Blizz-con will be interesting.
over 5 years ago
I'd say there's a difference between games being political and gaming communities being political though, and either way blatant censorship in the name of profit is gonna make a lot of people angry real quick.
over 5 years ago
Gotta like people complaining that games are becoming political, but complain when companies forbid any political talk.
over 5 years ago
It has nothing to do with Chinese government. Any involvement with politics is bad for business. If Blizzard let any idiot shout one opinion on their streams, players with other opinion can stop spending money on Blizzard games en masse.
over 5 years ago
You can add the NBA to the list as well. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/07/opinion/nba-china-hong-kong.html
over 5 years ago
Yeah definitely don't go to China after making this... Just posting some factual news on Reddit that the Chinese don't like was probably enough to get me on some list as well. Honestly I couldn't go there without worrying about getting arrested constantly
over 5 years ago
Nerf Now!! Oficially banned in China