What people are saying about "Steam Release"
Steam Release
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about 5 years ago
The game is so bad Epic payed to exclusively NOT have it on their storefront.
about 5 years ago
This game is too toxic, never show up in epic XD
about 5 years ago
Hell no, I ain't touching that shit.
about 5 years ago
if it's on sale for less than 20 bucks including WI sales tax, then I shall consider it. perhaps 15 is better.
about 5 years ago
As someone who put at least 500 hours into the game, it really isn't worth picking up. The game has been riddled in game breaking exploits for a while now, including ones where people can steal your entire inventory and leave you with nothing. It has only gotten 10x worse since release.
about 5 years ago
To be fair there is much much MUCH worse on Steam these days, and in far larger quantities.
about 5 years ago
Nah. I'd rather just reacquire Fallout 3 GOTY edition on GOG. Its cheaper, has tons of content, has been patched to work on Windows 10, oh and best of all its singleplayer, as God intended Fallout to be.
about 5 years ago
If it goes on sale for $10-$15 I'd buy it.
I really like exploring buildings, reading computer entries, notes, listening to holotape recordings ect in 3, NV, and 4.
about 5 years ago
If not mistaken it costs roughly 100 USD to put a game on Steam.
about 5 years ago
Fallout 76? =/ This game lost the chance to shine, and ended a big flop. Fun? alright. But not unique, new, fantastic or awesome. Only another game of the franchise without the factor 'wow".