What people are saying about "DPS Queue"
DPS Queue
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almost 5 years ago
And then you go take a piss while waiting for the match to start, get kicked out and punished as leaver.
almost 5 years ago
I was a support / tank main, have over 2k games on healer and 1k games on Rein, 1k games on Orisa. Playing modern OW is an exercise in frustration. I'd rather play Hard Support in Dota or League any day.
almost 5 years ago
/2...that I'd just stay Roadhog forevermore so that my, ahem, "team" wasn't almost permanently down 1 person in teamfights because I could actually defend myself.
almost 5 years ago
I only ever played on a friend's console so if someone would please indulge me: is a one-trick Roadhog player basically doomed to never play competitive? I tried for a good while to expand my horizons but would always get thrown under the bus so I decided.../1
almost 5 years ago
At least on the european server, i never wait longer than 3 Minutes for casual and five minutes for ranked. sure that is much compared to the queues in sth like Dota or LoL, but nothing you can't wait with a bit of youtube
almost 5 years ago
All this time I've been wonder what was so off about Tracer and I now realize that she doesn't have her goggles on.
almost 5 years ago
Know what kind of gave NEVER has this problem? Offline singleplayer!
almost 5 years ago
Good thing that I am main support. And some riotfanboys say that thanks to Valorant, the dps queue will be shorter.
almost 5 years ago
I tried a while ago and (after these complaints started) and it only took at most a minute, maybe more Europeans play is my best guess.