What people are saying about "Fair And Balanced"
Fair And Balanced
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almost 5 years ago
Hearthstone has never been balanced, and this is intentional. Blizzard regularly makes new shit OP just to pressure people into either splurging on card packs or getting their anus drilled.
almost 5 years ago
I never played card games or hearthstone
A friend told me to buy the megabundle

Mostly only gotten wins D: with demon hunter, and didn't even obtain all the best high level cards.

Still don't understand game yet D:
almost 5 years ago
If purchase levels aren't high enough, support cards will be available to ensure the boards get filled with new stuff. Once sales have produced targeted revenue, then it's Nerf time, and lining up for the next release, and giving time for those wallets to recharge.
almost 5 years ago
Not a matter of Nerf for Balance , it's about "Splash" factor to get those wallets open. Buying a new release guarantees you a jump on the boards, since you get the over-powered new releases. Others see that the new release wins where the old decks didn't so they buy to catch up (or get trampled).
almost 5 years ago
I miss Angie's Glasses.
almost 5 years ago
This is why I don't play TCG's, real or virtual: they are all about meta, and meta is pure cancer, the ultimate anthithesis of a fun, enjoyable game.
Well, that and the fact you HAVE to keep forking out for card-pack microtransactions every week in order to stay with the game and be able to play.
almost 5 years ago
I don't know why, exactly, but losing to Demon Hunter right now feels FAR better than losing to hyper-extreme aggro from everything else I'd normally be taking a beating to. Maybe their consistency is just slow enough that I feel I have a chance. Not to say it's SLOW, period, but still....
almost 5 years ago
"For those who played Hearthstone (or Magic) imagine the damage of Red Deck Win or Pirate Warrior but somehow with both late-game potential and the most card draw, I have ever seen on any non-meme deck."

So, it would be a Red/Blue deck then?
almost 5 years ago
Nothing improves balance like lowering your opponent's center of gravity.

Six feet or 2 meter below ground is a good center of gravity, right?
almost 5 years ago
You'd think they knew how broken it was going to be when they created a 6 mana 6/7 that deals 6 random damage, or a DH only Leeroy that ignores taunt. Power creep s a thing in every expansion, but DH is power creep on top of power creep. It shows how they don't care anymore.
almost 5 years ago
Demon Hunter still get's wrecked by more dedicated aggro like Pirate Rouge, though.
So, so far, I think it's a nice addition to the game, the more heroes the game has the less likely we are to get stuck in a meta where everyone is playing the same deck.