What people are saying about "Suffer Not The Xenos To Live"
Suffer Not The Xenos To Live
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almost 5 years ago
Big E approves.
almost 5 years ago
Need himself a pair os sunglasses to protect himself from deceit
almost 5 years ago
Praise the Emperor! No one needs a return to the desolation of the Enslaver Plague
almost 5 years ago
I'll just leave this here
almost 5 years ago
@Andy Willow: Oh really?. Are you sure? Are you pretty sure? (tips: third image and naked, no less).
almost 5 years ago
En Taro Asaru!
almost 5 years ago
Some people are into xenos, mind control and the color pink. There is also the Nerf Now logo and A cutie drawn by Mary Cagle in the hive ad so at least for some people there are waifus.
almost 5 years ago
There's no waifus on this page...is that a thing that happens?
almost 5 years ago
-descend into total war if tensions get too high. I'm not saying they're going to all be complete bastards, but they won't be comprised entirely of saints either. Hell, Torque bought her freedom by offering to train Xcom forces to counter Advent tactics and Axiom's implied to have issues with rage.
almost 5 years ago
Personally, I'm all for the 'xenos integrating with Human society' matter after the Ethereals were killed and their mental network demolished. After all, neither they nor Humans fully trust each other and the xenos we're up against seem akin to genocidal pricks, not to mention the experiment will-
almost 5 years ago
it:s x-com Chimera Squad. A Xcom 2.5 if you will its 5 years after winning Xcom 2 but not a full numbered sequel it releases the 24th on steam starting half off for a week.
Any Warhammer connection is beyond me but sense Sectoids can mind control it's joking they might be tricking humans.
almost 5 years ago
I am confused as to whether this is an xcom or warhammer joke. Either way, I don't get it, so I would really appreciate some context from someone who does.
almost 5 years ago