What people are saying about "Thirsty Girl"
Thirsty Girl
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almost 5 years ago
This is a reboot thing, right? She was much milder in the original game.
almost 5 years ago
@ Nos Rin In the butt...
almost 5 years ago
where did his sword go in the third panel?
almost 5 years ago
@Jon Haley
Well considering two of them ended up dead, that kinda evens things out...
almost 5 years ago
actually, she just acts as thirsty, in truth, she likes to dump boys who gets interesed on her after she teasing them that way too much, and cloud is not diferent
almost 5 years ago
Cloud had not one, but THREE girls all mackin on him.
Even if what Wedge says is true and Jessie is just like that flirting with anybody attractive cause it's all a game to her, that's still 3 gals wanting to jump him, even if only two have longterm relationship goals. Broody edgelords & MPDGs man.
almost 5 years ago

ps: Andy, it's true
almost 5 years ago
Video Game comics come in two flavors: AAA games and Indie crap.