What people are saying about "BFFs"
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over 4 years ago
Agreed. I feel that all of the lore building and personality they crammed into Overwatch was wasted. Its a multiplayer game. The troglodytes will play anything. They don't care about story.
over 4 years ago
I stopped playing DOTA 2 years ago, it was way too toxic and repetitive.
I enjoyed HOTS much more, though I haven't played that either in quite some time.
MOBA's in general isn't my cup of tea, which is one of the reasons Overwatch failed to keep me interested for long: It's basically a FPS MOBA.
over 4 years ago
Moral of the story: Centaurs are assholes!
over 4 years ago
The wife is a huge fan of Turbo and refuses to play it any other way now. Way less rage fits that way too.
over 4 years ago
The only mode i ever liked was the one where you got to pick and match skills from the entire skill pool, like combining Impetus with range increasing passives. Regular matches were way too sweaty and tryhard, not to mention the continuous Ruski bashing. Haven't touched the game in years though.
over 4 years ago
Turbo is just a trash version of Overthrow.
over 4 years ago
I was expecting a comic with Magie the loli
over 4 years ago
However, as it stands, between that and the courier system which feels awkward (but I DO understand why it’s there!), I cannot fathom playing the game if “simple” aspects like those are holding me back. It’s fun to watch the matches, at least!
over 4 years ago
I really wish I could get over the absolute disdain I have of the shop being a clusterf*ck that not even filters make any less aesthetically crowded. If it were organized like LoL’s (not crammed tighter than a cartoon suitcase and easily browsable), then I wouldn’t spend ridiculously long shopping.
over 4 years ago
Turbo is nice but it would take a big rebalance to even a lot of heroes. You can't expect much in a turbo match from a staller hero like Techies.
And at least there's the option for playing in this mode and no shortage of players.