What people are saying about "Dream Girl"
Dream Girl
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over 4 years ago
Bottom of the third frame just looks like Thiiiirst
over 4 years ago
Ah, spaghetti factorio, its the best... 12 ours fixing your lines so you have enough iron
over 4 years ago
For those curious, Victoria is cosplaying as M16A1 from Girls' Frontline in the middle panel
over 4 years ago
Remember folks, Angie was our original bi girl. She dated the other Engineer girl way back when!

Come on Anne, you gotta fight for your ~~girl~~ friend!
over 4 years ago
Hey if you enjoyed Factorio, check out Satisfactory later.

But yeah factorio can kinda get in your head and thought consuming... Satisfactory can do that too.
over 4 years ago
Spaghetti Factory? Are you poopin' while making comics? I mean it's okay if you do. I think that's how Ronnie Filyaw of "Whomp!" does it.
over 4 years ago
Ah yes, Gun and Girls. A classic American combination
over 4 years ago
Angie is gay?
over 4 years ago
just going to MINE all over this comic.
over 4 years ago
Feel free to submit a high res version of that to Guns & Ammo, just fix her trigger discipline issues and I'm sure they'll accept it. XD
over 4 years ago
Sleepo Beepo spotted.
over 4 years ago
@joe you ever gonna do a comic on Annie coming to skullgirls
over 4 years ago
Dat moment you knew it's girl frontline...don't mind me, just an empty wallet passing by.
over 4 years ago
At least now she can start a new card that doesn't have her KID as one of the pieces.
over 4 years ago
So, is Angie bisexual? Until these last couple of comics, I thought she was straight.
over 4 years ago
Yeah, that's what my dreams of Lei Fang looked like. Minus the crown.
Also Victoria would a natural for a Lei Fang cosplay... Sorry Anne.
over 4 years ago
I think you meant ‘shill’, not ‘chill’. I really liked the dream arc. Fanservice is always fun, and the plot was entertaining.
over 4 years ago
Is it a leg or DFC?