What people are saying about "Dream Girl"
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over 4 years ago
Bottom of the third frame just looks like Thiiiirst
Faruk Feres
over 4 years ago
Ah, spaghetti factorio, its the best... 12 ours fixing your lines so you have enough iron
over 4 years ago
For those curious, Victoria is cosplaying as M16A1 from Girls' Frontline in the middle panel
Ellis Warner
over 4 years ago
Remember folks, Angie was our original bi girl. She dated the other Engineer girl way back when!
Come on Anne, you gotta fight for your ~~girl~~ friend!
Sara Kelthad
over 4 years ago
Hey if you enjoyed Factorio, check out Satisfactory later.
But yeah factorio can kinda get in your head and thought consuming... Satisfactory can do that too.
Andy Willow
over 4 years ago
Spaghetti Factory? Are you poopin' while making comics? I mean it's okay if you do. I think that's how Ronnie Filyaw of "Whomp!" does it.
Allch Chcar
over 4 years ago
Ah yes, Gun and Girls. A classic American combination
Jero Garcia Caro
over 4 years ago
Angie is gay?
Nos Rin
over 4 years ago
just going to MINE all over this comic.
Ian Urion
over 4 years ago
Feel free to submit a high res version of that to Guns & Ammo, just fix her trigger discipline issues and I'm sure they'll accept it. XD
over 4 years ago
Sleepo Beepo spotted.
Jordan Russell
over 4 years ago
@joe you ever gonna do a comic on Annie coming to skullgirls
Erik Yin
over 4 years ago
Dat moment you knew it's girl frontline...don't mind me, just an empty wallet passing by.
Dustin Cochran
over 4 years ago
At least now she can start a new card that doesn't have her KID as one of the pieces.
Borna Pekarić
over 4 years ago
So, is Angie bisexual? Until these last couple of comics, I thought she was straight.
Samuel Measa
over 4 years ago
Yeah, that's what my dreams of Lei Fang looked like. Minus the crown.
Also Victoria would a natural for a Lei Fang cosplay... Sorry Anne.
Jonathan Puccetti
over 4 years ago
I think you meant ‘shill’, not ‘chill’. I really liked the dream arc. Fanservice is always fun, and the plot was entertaining.
Илья Марчев
over 4 years ago
Is it a leg or DFC?
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