What people are saying about "Progess"
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over 4 years ago
players and creativity. Everything went downhill from there and didn't improve when it was officially released. Sometimes the incomplete mess is better than the complete bare ruins.
over 4 years ago
There was a game I played for a long time on beta that was one of the games I had the most fun on. A little later they started making updates changing the game focus, trying to be an e-sport and adding moba mechanics ruining the game. The middle beta was the time the game was most fun, had more
over 4 years ago
Never buy a game in early access. Never pay to beta test a game, no matter how filled out it is and how well it looks. Let the ones who are stupid enough to do so beta test the game for you so that you can have a bug free experience when it actually releases.
over 4 years ago
Remind me of ECO. Was trying my best to preserve environment and be efficient that we somewhat forget an asteroid is coming in few days.
over 4 years ago
@Viktor Hierta Gustafsson; Even more filled out than Hades was pre-release? If so, that's quite impressive.
over 4 years ago
Satisfactory is actually pretty dang stable in Single player. I've gotten at least 15 hours and not a single bug. There are lots that is not yet initialized in the game yet, like alien artifacts, but it's a nice optimization play session that has helped me deal with the stress of my daily work life
over 4 years ago
I'm satisfied that Engy kept the clothes design change.
over 4 years ago
Satisfactory is like Factorio in the automation idea, but it lacks any sense of urgency or anything that pushes you past just puttering about at the lowest level of effort. And the map is always the same, so it doesn't even have replayability. Stick to Factorio IMO.
over 4 years ago
Certainly not an inaccurate description of the game ;)

However Satisfactory is the most filled out Early Access I've ever seen. Only the top tiers are locked and the story will probably only come at full release (Devs have been very clear the Story is entirely optional if you just want to build)
over 4 years ago
Factorio seems like a game I will not buy for fear of it being literally addictive. Had this with Noita just now – after installing the "persistence" mod, I have developed sleep deprivation from that game :/ It is fun, but the headache and lack of concentration the next day makes me regret....
over 4 years ago
There's a nice satisfactory song by stupendium

I predict a Karma joke or war.
over 4 years ago
Remember when you did all this building stuff, but with dwarves? Stone, lava, plump helmets and a pick. Catsplosion. and Fun*? Good times, good times.

* Fun as in "Fun" things come to visit.