What people are saying about "Robot Uprising"
Robot Uprising
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over 4 years ago
Well THIS comment section went to shit fast...
over 4 years ago
@BakaGrappler Quick, hide every work of art and important piece of historical culture, everything related to human civilization made by people with a positive IQ!
Seriously though, BLM is nothing but the freaking Afro-American KKK.
over 4 years ago
Whelp, looks like it's time for the Robot Lives Matter riots to start.
over 4 years ago
Here's hoping we see more of Robo Angie MKII, however slim the chance truly is.

And bloody geniuses, refusing to take the sensible option and just re-enter cryo-sleep. I swear, the smartest people can easily be the dumbest.
over 4 years ago
Last time we saw Anne, she was in Angie's wet dream. Is that where this is leading with the robot harem?
over 4 years ago
Who are they going to uprise against? :P
over 4 years ago
Last 2 pannel Angie = 10/10 on kawaii-ness.
over 4 years ago
us RN
over 4 years ago
@Andy Willow Sure you take the robots, I'll take the real Angie.
over 4 years ago
@Joe Tell Angie to hold off the robot horde. If they level the studio and/or publisher then the game will never get released.
over 4 years ago
@Andre Swartz,I was thinking of this begins to play...
over 4 years ago
As https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqbOCu8oGFg begins to play...
over 4 years ago
No no. Robot ORGY.
over 4 years ago
Mini engie!