What people are saying about "End Game"
End Game
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about 4 years ago
@Darth Biomech: Tonberries?
about 4 years ago
A lot of MMO's tend to have the enemies not aggro on you if you're to high a level unless you attack them first. Sure, some don't and can have amusing situations due to it
about 4 years ago
@NekoiNemo Well in their defense Tolkien DID say that being constantly influenced by the will of Sauron causes orcs to be constantly aggressive and hostile beyond reason and to the point that they would all kill each other if Sauron didn't push them to go fight with Humans, Elves and Dwarves.
about 4 years ago
I'm torn, because the more 'realistic' RPGs really should strive to avoid this, although few do. And at the same time, it's incredibly satisfying to go through an older area when you're massively more powerful and just destroy the local bad guys in seconds.. and even moreso when they DO vocalize it!
about 4 years ago
@NekoiNemo: To be fair, just living in Mordor is a constant life-or-death struggle, only the captains are slightly safer, and considering that getting the last blow on you is an instant promotion, it's not that much of a stretch...
about 4 years ago
@Albert Johfur Not quite the same. Tons of games do that. But no matter how leveled up and infamous you are, all of those low-level grunt orcs will still go ahead and attack you out of their own volition and scream insults at you.
about 4 years ago
Now that I think about it, didn't one of the Sacred games have a mechanic where if the enemies were much lower leveled than you, they just dropped dead on the spot?
about 4 years ago
Yeah, Earthbound was great, since it actually rewarded you with not just running enemies, but it would skip the fight entirely and just hand you the rewards and drops.
about 4 years ago
I sometimes if its an option like to return to earlier areas just to juggernaut through enemies that I once had to avoid or had trouble with for the pure joy of it.
about 4 years ago
Remembering Earthbound where enemies bellow your level would actually avoid you.
about 4 years ago
Despite heavily butchering Tolkien's work, the Shadow of Mordor/War duology deserve recognition for how their gameplay manages to avoid this. It's satisfying when you "brutalize" an orc officer after becoming infamous enough that it causes all the other orcs nearby to flee in panic.
about 4 years ago
In the Xenoblade Chronicles series, monsters below 5 or 10 levels don't attack you anymore unless you first attack
about 4 years ago
This was one of my main gripes with Skyrim. I love the game, but the rubber-banding and the amount of suicidal bandits with fur armor and yet using ebony weapons got really annoying by the end-game.
about 4 years ago
@Jean Harghel, there is only one of him and two of us
about 4 years ago
Did this one or three times. Back during wrath of the Litch King I found the need to go back to Quel'Danas to farm some of the ore that spawned there to finish leveling my engineering skills on an alt.
about 4 years ago
I'm honestly not sure what the bigger of two evils between that and autoleveling. Simply dim suicidal bandits might be better than those weird freaks of nature that wear dirty rags but can stab a God Incarnate to death with a rusty knife, after all.
about 4 years ago
That's something i wish games had, something like a 'morale' system. If you are too powerful in comparison to the enemy, or if you've already killed too many of the enemies allies, they should flee from you.
about 4 years ago
"So when your Avatar of Death incarnate walk around mounted on a T-Rex while holding Excalibur in one hand and a BFG 9000 in another..." I TOO enjoy playing RPGs as Teddy Roosevelt!
about 4 years ago
Feels like the first Mount & Blade when you had an army and bandits still would play it tough. Still happens on occasion in Bannerlord. Or in The Division, you just wiped 3 or 4 dozen of men and they still think another dozen will do the trick.
about 4 years ago
It's fine. We can take 'em, the cockpit is not even armoured!
about 4 years ago
Let's mug 'em!