What people are saying about "Cardaclysm"
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about 4 years ago
Reviews: Indifferent. Scantily-clad characters: Yes please, I think that's why I started reading Nerf Now! in the first place.
about 4 years ago
Please continue reviewing games like this. It's informative and humorous at the same time.
about 4 years ago
then try review the video game movie dofus livre 1 julith,objectively the best video game movie ever made.
about 4 years ago
As a note though, looking at the game a bit, it looks more like a roguelite deckbuilder with some action RPG elements, none of which matches Hearthstone, and definitely wouldn't call it a "clone". Someone described it as "Slay the Spire meets Diablo", which sounds apt.
about 4 years ago
I know someone else is also interested in seeing what a scantily-clad horsewoman of doom looks like in action, so here you go:
about 4 years ago
Oooh! Do one for Gods Unchained now!
about 4 years ago
Panel 3: I too enjoy a delicious glass of butter now and then.
about 4 years ago
Like others pointed out, it's nowhere near PS1 graphics. It's more akin to modern times mobile app graphics. Not going to pick it up though, never pick up games in Early Access if you value your money.
about 4 years ago
I was thinking more of Playstation 2, not PS1

PS1 is like, Starfox level of polycount
about 4 years ago
Having had a look at the game.. I think you have a very rose tinted glasses memory of old playstation graphics

The game looks like pretty modern graphics to me. I'd describe it more as a common mobile artstyle
about 4 years ago
I think the comic is well done. I wouldn't mind seeing stuff like this regularly, but not the main thing around here. Like once a week or less would be good.
about 4 years ago
Why the heck is Joe reviewing a game in the comic..? *gets to the last panel* Oh, that explains it
about 4 years ago
I think this is a good review that covers almost everything. Your English is fine, its just shill instead of chill
about 4 years ago
1). Yeah, this format is cool. I wouldn't mind seeing more.

2). If you want another single player card game, Card City Nights is a fun one.
about 4 years ago
You expressed yourself well, had coherent thoughts, and threw a bit of the absurd in for good measure. There are no flaws in this and I think you have earned the occasional wall of text to express yourself. Some of my favorite comics of all times are walls of text, just because they were well done
about 4 years ago
If you want to do longform comics like these it would be great if you brushed up your English. Grammar can be all over the place sometimes. Would make a fun sub-series though.