What people are saying about "No Smurfs"
No Smurfs
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almost 4 years ago
Unless you play TF2 in which you dont even to smurf to play with lesser ranked people. Their match maker is paerpheqt.
almost 4 years ago
You never cease to crack me up XD I did not expect a Papers, Please reference! Well done!
almost 4 years ago
@Ian Urion
You have no idea how right you are.
Even super casual-friendly games like HOTS aren't completely free from toxicity.
Just don't mention HOTS around the DOTA or LOL playerbase unless you want nuclear wasteland levels of toxicity.
almost 4 years ago
Odd decision.. especially considering as they made that whole, family package for Steam thing.. .. do they not think that multiple people can use the same Steam or computer?.. how are they gonna check that I wonder?
almost 4 years ago
@Beastwolf it's kind of like social media in videogame form, right? XD
almost 4 years ago
Never thought I'd see a comic using Papers Please...
Guess we needed a hard break after Jane grabbed Angie and suggested a three way.
almost 4 years ago
Ah yes moba.
You get anonymous people to compete against others and prove the worst of humanity.
almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Soooo, I hear there's a DOTA anime now ?
almost 4 years ago
Meanwhile in Single player land: *sunshine and rainbows*