What people are saying about "Husbando Lvl 1"
Husbando Lvl 1
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almost 4 years ago
Barehanded method:
1. Lock your fingers.
2. Put your palms on the lid. Bottom part, near the wrist.
3. Squeeze. You should hear soft air hiss.
You may do it without fingerlock but it helps, acts like lever. You don't need any tools for this method and lid stays reusable.
almost 4 years ago
If you want to be better at twisting caps and opening jars you need to train grip strength.
For that you need pull ups and specific hand grips.
almost 4 years ago
does this mean buff morgan in the future? :3 Also I bet Jane would have no issue with it.
almost 4 years ago
My preferred method is using a spoon to pry the cap. Once a bit of air enters the jar, it's stupid easy to open any jar unless it's so old that the contents are keeping the lid stuck (not your problem, i assume).
almost 4 years ago
Think I saw some episode of that thar Spingbill cartoon what he took a lid off a jar.
almost 4 years ago
Don't do it Loki, your hair will fall out!
almost 4 years ago
Proper Jar opening exercises:
100 Push-Ups.
100 Sit-Ups.
100 Squats.
10KM Running.
almost 4 years ago
jope Morgan dont get too buffed
almost 4 years ago
@Daniel Elliott anything that can gove you some grip over a smooth surface. Rubber gloves, elastic band, a silicone tray or even a balloon popped or not.
almost 4 years ago
Lv 2 Husbando can open jars. Can confirm.
almost 4 years ago
Just turn the jar, not the lid!
almost 4 years ago
I can hear the 80's style montage.
almost 4 years ago
all yall need some good ol fashioned discipline! There is a real easy way to get jars open:

Use an oven mitt. Usually the biggest problem is just getting a grip, so an oven mitt, especially one of the ones with the rubber undersides, works like a charm no matter how stubborn the jar.
almost 4 years ago
Throwing the jar at a wall still makes the lid reusable. Just saying.
almost 4 years ago
Compass method: Pry opener sharp point in and under, pry up top, bottom, left, and right works every time And ensues that the lid is still usable later.
almost 4 years ago
Shelf liners is the real meta.
almost 4 years ago
all you need to do is put a knife to the bottom of the bottle cup.
it always works for me.
almost 4 years ago
All these weird suggestions and here I'm just sitting thinking "everyone, jar openers are a thing you know!" xD
almost 4 years ago
Someone mentioned rubber gloves, another way to do it is a simple elastic band around the edge of the lid :D
almost 4 years ago
Wait Morgan, your couple doesn't have to conform to heterosexual gender norms !
almost 4 years ago
Grab a spoon or fork with a thin and flat end, put it under lid, twist it to have air escape and poof, easy to open.
almost 4 years ago
@T I prefer to whack/tap the lid with the blunt side of a knife in direction it's suppose to open all along the rim. This not only gets the lid to start loosening, but also provides little grooves for ease of grip.
almost 4 years ago
Bang the lid on the edge of the counter like our lesbian god Sue Perkins intended.
almost 4 years ago
Something people don’t realize is that one of the reasons why it can be hard to open a jar is due to it being smooth and having no way to grip properly. Rubber gloves makes it much easier to open.
almost 4 years ago
No need to puncture the lid. Use a bottle opener to pry up the edge of the lid. This works with most lids. When I hit a lid that is too thick I revert back to using a screwdriver to pry the edge of the lid enough to break the vacuum seal.
almost 4 years ago
Pickle jar lids are usually sealed under a vacuum, and that suction is why they hold on so tight. If you can puncture the top of the lid with a small steak knife, it will audibly sigh in defeat as it loses its suction and becomes open-able.
almost 4 years ago
Pickles are easy! Just whip that shit at the wall. Open.