What people are saying about "ASMR"
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over 3 years ago
@Stephen Dykla Because Pyro is a man in Nerfnow lore? If you hit the early strips Pyro was actually a character that made a big impact on Angie. Then Pyro, Sniper-tan, Engie-tan, Heavy, Medic and mini-medic got left behind when Angie left to design her own game.
over 3 years ago
something ive always wondered is why pyro didn't get represented in the gang
over 3 years ago
C'mon, Jo. Words haven't meant anything since the 50's, when cigarette companies claimed that cigs "relaxed and stimulated your t-zone".
over 3 years ago
@Ellis Warner That'll never happen. If they do that, advertisers will abandon them en masse. That's not something Amazon, whose purpose is to find any and all revenue streams they can extract, wants.
over 3 years ago
Words don't have meaning anymore. And it all begun when we started misusing term "rogue-like"...
over 3 years ago
Not that I watch Twitch, but in that wave of morality that hit social media a few years ago Twitch made policies against sexualized content and all those streamers plus an army to follow found ways to continue sexing it up under a different name. Twitch was better before it tried to censor its image
over 3 years ago
ASMR is the new Meme. It started out meaning one thing and became something else when it started becoming mainstream/popular. Ergo I recommend that Twitch rebrand their ASMR to Dank ASMR.
over 3 years ago
"Masturbating with cucumber being called veganism?"

It depends. Is it an organic cucumber?

@Zacsi the phrase is "Why buy a cow when you can get (the) milk for free?" but it also works in the opposite.
over 3 years ago
@Rolan7 : anything that isn't about video game has no place on twitch, in my opinion.
Twitch.tv is an offshoot of Justin.tv that was create for the sole goal of having the video game related content, and should stick to that part of the market.
Picarto for art
TChaturbate for ASMR
over 3 years ago
The intellectually dishonest thing about Twitch is that it fully knows and banks off this kind of stream, but pretends that it knows nothing while giving token bans on occasion. Everyone knows the game, Twitch; just embrace it and let them have their damn adult channels. May as well let it open.
over 3 years ago
I have no idea if it belongs on Twitch, but it's valid content. People obsess over and donate to all sorts of streamers, whether it's sexy or political, because it feels good to be noticed by the person you're obsessing over. Streamer culture is very cultish for sure.
Also people aren't cows
over 3 years ago
I never in my life get why people give money to Twitch thots. All of what they do you can get for free on porn sites.
As my father used to say, why buy milk when you can get the cow for free.
over 3 years ago
Even the stuff that isn't meant to be sexual comes off as such, and honestly, giving this sort of attention to an audience seems creepy or even cultish. It's one thing if a lover is whispering to you, or a caregiver is assuring a panicked patient that everything'll be alright; this is not that. Ugh.
over 3 years ago
The T in Twitch stands for thot.