Damn NTR, and such a complicated situation, one thing leading to another and now Spy got his sneaky vengeance on Pyro. He must'v been holding a big grudge after all the years of spychcking.
And poor dumb Sniper was used.
Dirteh Dan
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
N (NegaHedgehog)
almost 14 years ago
I actually think this is a really good arc.
I just wish that when you continued it, I was more....... "real".
If they had found out, a billion stories would have been created, and an infinite amount of arcs.
*SPOILERS* Pyro Jr. being the Spah's son was a nice touch.
about 14 years ago
why did you have to do this, now i feel bad for her. why couldn't it end with her not doing it. i prefer your happy endings.
about 14 years ago
Somebody had to do it
about 14 years ago
NEED A DISPENSER HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anger Viso!
about 14 years ago
Wha-.......................WE NEED CONTINUATION! *inb4, reading my gattling gun*
over 14 years ago
ARGH! that Blu bastard first killing red male engineer now this! Spy will get his SPY WILL GET HIS!
and no guard dog jokes?
shit having bastaard
over 14 years ago
im comming after you in the name of pyro-guy and sniper-tan
over 14 years ago
*Eye twitch*
over 14 years ago
@Hey Anon
...or did they? Have a kid I mean?
So much for "love conquers" all huh?
over 14 years ago
Sniper is a whore
over 14 years ago
Wouldn't you agree?
over 14 years ago
seriously shlould make another comic related to this one
over 14 years ago
I suddenly recall a particular Demotivational Poster I came across once.
Team Killers: It's Always the One With the Flamethrower.
I wish to see Spy learn this.
Your Name:
over 14 years ago
I don't understand why everyone is all like "damn spy" and "poor sniper-tan". Sniper-tan cheated on pyro with spy, and now she feels bad about it, but it's a little late for that.
Spy shouldn' have done this since he knew Sniper-tan and Pyro were together, but he didn't cheat on anyone. Poor Pyro..
The Rage still goes on in my FACE! Spy must be burned to a crisp!
almost 15 years ago
Sad arc is sad.
almost 15 years ago
Well, spy has been portrayed as a motherfucker in many comics and..did sniper-tan get raped or did she strip? Wow. she must be so depressed...STUPID SPY! Her pose on the table is so hawt!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31680]@Hiddenman[/url]: Hell yeah I'd kill him. I'd kill him with fuckin' FIRE!
Pyro's job? Oh.
Like I said... Ultimate backstab with chainsaw!
almost 15 years ago
Well, we all know who's the REAL HOMEWRECKER now, huh?
Oh lawdy.
almost 15 years ago
Going to buy the game just to kill the blue spy many times, many, many times.
almost 15 years ago
...fuck spy. its not snipers fault. spy did some drugs on here
Killing all spys
almost 15 years ago
fuck him. he just made the problem bewteen pryo and sniper even harder D=!
almost 15 years ago
Spys suck dick
FUCK bluespy
almost 15 years ago
Fuck yourself spy...
almost 15 years ago
Fuck you spy. poor sniper =(
almost 15 years ago
I would fucking kill that douche many times...
Sgt Crise
almost 15 years ago
oh my D
almost 15 years ago
noooooooooooooooo why?
almost 15 years ago
I propose an alternate ending where snipah-tan bludgeons pyro to death with a tennis trophy.
A. This is a new character who has never been seen before, yet Sniper is willing to talk to as if he's an old friend.
B. This is one of the blue team in disguise.
If B, then there is a high chance that we just saw a cross-dressing woman (engie-tan or spy-tan) get it on with sniper-tan...
almost 15 years ago
Gentleman Sir FuckALot
God Pingas
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29999]@Archfiendrubicante[/url]: That Critrawkets was a SPY.
almost 15 years ago
This comic was awesome and the comments are hilarious.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30069]@Francis[/url] but don't you hate hooking up?
almost 15 years ago
Is it wrong that I think that Pyro and Engie-tan need to hook up again now that the Homewrecker received its update?
almost 15 years ago
Don't be mad, people. Jo's not heartless, but realistic instead. I'm sure we won't be let down in the end(?), and as they say "Love prevails."
almost 15 years ago
272 strip long arc.
almost 15 years ago
HAHAHAHA, omg, that last piece of dialogue...Blue Spy is my hero!
nerfnow rocks
almost 15 years ago
okay despite everyone else freaking out about this I loved this arc. I found it a nice set up for later and a genius way of incorporating the new buff. seriously don't be put off by others comments. Seems most of them just want cheap laughs and not good stories. keep it up!
almost 15 years ago
2. I do like the interesting turn of a serious problem in TF2 world (besides death of coarse))
that being said I must post this
The spy, he slips in slips out, and before you know it everythings gone to hell
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
You know.. that spy's face kinda looks like Critrawkets.
almost 15 years ago
I think there's hope for the world yet if people can get so upset over Sniper-tan cheating on Pyro due to rage.
That said, no matter what you may think of this arc, it's still pretty damn sad... and that's clearly what Jo was going for.
Isn't this the first time we've seen Blue Spy anyway?
almost 15 years ago
Mass controversy generates mass comments.
almost 15 years ago
Spy sappin' my relationship!
(Quick, hit it with the Homewrecker!)
An Evil Penguin
almost 15 years ago
Wow, sheer number of photo notes and comments is staggering!
almost 15 years ago
My gosh people are just reaching for ways to explain what happened. "The cigarette is white so its RED spy" That is so dumb.
almost 15 years ago
wat ind of relationship does pyro and sniper have??? SPY! YOU ASSHOLE! you're better than that ;(
<Insert generic name here>
almost 15 years ago
Or.. something like that anyway.
<Insert generic name here>
almost 15 years ago
You'd be confused and would be capable of such thing.(unless you are one of those sick 100% pro bastards who would shoot their 'best friend' to the head if they said that to them).
Oh yeah and the comic would look weird of sniper-tan kicked the blu spy in the balls instead..
<Insert generic name here>
almost 15 years ago
I can understand how pissed off sniper tan is. I mean pyro insulted her in the worst possible way! The sniper's pride in his efficiency, his capability to take out half of the enemy team before they can shoot back. Now imagine your best friend telling you are useless. It shakes with you emotionally.
almost 15 years ago
looks like the spy is...
wrecking more than homes.
Mad Cow
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29921]@Kolovsky[/url]: Yep, that is what I thought, and sense at least one of the red spies is a woman... Nothing actually happened...
almost 15 years ago
Remember how Pyro dressed up as an engie?
Who's to say this spy isn't Pyro and Jo is just playing with the timing of the comic reveals?
almost 15 years ago
if the the spy is actually red (because he collides) doesn't that mean hes the gay spy but...why would he need to collide if hes gay! ahg!!!!!
This can't be the end. We love these characters too much to have it end like this! I normally LOVE your archs, but this one BOOO!!!! if this is the end.
Black Dragon
almost 15 years ago
Just listening to one of my favorite bands and this song fits this arc PERFECTLY in my opinion. :P
almost 15 years ago
*...And at that moment, the Blu Engineer is making her way to the Pyro's house for a friendly visit.*
That's just my own dumb twist.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29895]@SRG[/url]: More like sums up almost any nerf now arc with a sniper involved.
almost 15 years ago
Team Roomba presents: Team fortress 2 griefing 4.
Now with more sad snipers moving back to their camper vans.
really sums up the last two arcs right?
almost 15 years ago
Pyro murders spy in rage. Turns out spy is brother of sniper. Drama ensues. Pyro goes to tfc_rock2 jail.
almost 15 years ago
The Homewrecker lives up to its name.
Neo X
almost 15 years ago
Maybe he just gave her a back massage? XD
almost 15 years ago
You know, Pyro may have seen this through spectate.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
*Rubs neck*
...Thanks for the arc? I guess.
almost 15 years ago
Comment: OWNED!!!
Hey Anon
almost 15 years ago
Snipertan and Pyro had a kid, so it was adultery, and the reason for our clever title.
almost 15 years ago
Time for a walk of shame.
almost 15 years ago
What happened too this:http://nerfnow.com/comic/25
waddya have to say about that sniper.
almost 15 years ago
@M-tan: Well, it kinda does dude.
While the direct definition of a "whore" is a woman who sells herself out for sex, it also means a woman that has no boundaries on who she will have sex with.
The better term in this case would be "slut."
Anyway, I foresee A LOT of spy-checks.
almost 15 years ago
It wasn't cheating if they weren't dating in the first place. Though I still find cheating terrible.
Also, homewrecker isn't a buff. It is performing as it was supposed to and it is still a pretty terrible item.
almost 15 years ago
Pyro's gonna be preforming a Spy check for sure. Fucking spies...
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
well, if you pay attention to that arc, e bailed out just as the things were going that way, right after geting her up and running again. no cheating there!
almost 15 years ago
Noo :'(
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
@Sven Spevec: http://nerfnow.com/comic/209
it even has a stab blu spy.
almost 15 years ago
the only way this can be made up is lighting comes out of nowhere and impales the blu spy.
It won't save sniper's marriage/love life but it will make sense with all those comics of her.
If this is CAD won't the blu spy look like this?
(B)^(U) well (B)(^U)
Also, I spent a while looking for this, thought it was the BLU spy. Who knows, maybe he is the same.
almost 15 years ago
Congradulations Sniper-tan.
You had Pyro by the balls for the rest of his life; now he has you by your hair for the rest of your's.
Actions speak louder than words.
almost 15 years ago
If one insult from someone having a obvious breakdown is enough of a excuse for you to cheat, you are infact, a whore. Especially if it's in the same day with the first guy you see.
Not that anyone should be so defensive over a WEBCOMIC girl, but you're obviously not gf material.
almost 15 years ago
I'm going to ignore all the drama because it's been done and re-done. The question we're all asking is... Are you EVER going to show full frontal? We want boobies!
almost 15 years ago
'Slut sniper?' 'Whore?' 'Cheatin' bitch?' 'Poor pyro?' Geez, no wonder half of you don't have girlfriends. Someone told me what Pyro told Sniper-Tan, you damn well bet I'm gonna give him the finger and walk out!
Sleeping with BLU spy wasn't smart, but it doesn't make her a 'whore.' Asshats.
almost 15 years ago
Oh shizzzzzz.....IT REALLY DID HAPPEN! There's nothing that can be done now....
Red spy is still a nice guy, though, right?
almost 15 years ago
Well, I was wrong. Spy's a dick.
Pills McMollies
almost 15 years ago
Oh my gosh, shut up all you retards who're like "I'M QUITTING READING THIS", no doubt that next update we're gonna get some funny stuff from mass effect, dragon age, starcraft, or something. Occasionally there're just breaks that are taken for serious stories like revengineer, this is just another.
almost 15 years ago
That would actually be seriously awesome.
In other news, I think it's interesting that there's a literal villain in Nerf Now now. None of the RED players are genuinely bad people, and really, if someone was going to turn out evil I would have wanted it to be the BLU spy.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29795]@xfd[/url]: Also, sniper is a mother too.
almost 15 years ago
SLUT SNIPER :(! Poor Pyro =(
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29844]@PunchItInDaFace[/url] : that's the red spy
almost 15 years ago
Sword/Targe Demo, fuck off, this storyline is nice.
Sword/Targe Demo
almost 15 years ago
Damn it Jo. I'm not supposed to be moved by your comic. Go back to semi-topical valve jokes. /sarcasm
almost 15 years ago
You all know he's gay right... The posie in his walk, the smokeing... It was probably just a breast exam..^_^
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29829]@trebthegamer[/url]: As far as I know, this is already possible :P
almost 15 years ago
are you going to make eng update when it come out.
almost 15 years ago
short arc is short :(
almost 15 years ago
I like where this is going. More serious Nerf Now is good. ^_^
Blue Pyro
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
D'OH! I mean 'feels.'
almost 15 years ago
Fells bad, man. :(
almost 15 years ago
W+M1 Force, ATTACK!
almost 15 years ago
That or the spies are getting extra cash from the administrator to end these types of "friendships".
almost 15 years ago
So at least medic x heavy still exist... unless the spies are killing relationships all around the nerf now! universe in some multiple arc event leading back to the revengineer 2.0 arc.
almost 15 years ago
As others have commented, running to the bed of another because you had ONE fight is a piss-poor excuse at best. As far as anyone knows this is the only fight Pyro and Sniper have had, doesn't sound like a stable relationship at all.
I hope Pyro leaves her honestly. Love the arc!
almost 15 years ago
as long as valve doesn't introduce friendly Fire for pyro he's safe
almost 15 years ago
The last panel doesn't look right is the spy removing his mask? Still she could pull a raped card and get away with it, she was not in the right of mind.
concerned buttmonkey
almost 15 years ago
by her stance, id say the sniper tans regetting it already
almost 15 years ago
Erm, I really hope that this doesn't end like this..it doesn't really make any sense.
The pyro's probably going to catch the spy sapping a sentry (literally, not sapping sniper-tan's sentry :P) and crush him and his sapper to death..
Name Not Available
almost 15 years ago
Actually, walls of text, no character development, and no funnies sums up CAD pretty well.
Name Not Available
almost 15 years ago
The arc is good; haters gonna hate. CADbortion was terrible, however, since it consisted of walls of text and zero character development, while not being funny.
Nerf NOW!! has always had relationship related comics, from the first few. Jo is doing fine, as always, with this comic.
Annie are you OK? So Annie are you OK? Are you OK Annie?
almost 15 years ago
What the?
Is a simple webcomic making me feel something other than the urge to laugh?
Why yes, I think it is.
almost 15 years ago
Sniper-tan got raped.
almost 15 years ago
Now, now. Red Spy isn't gay.
Red Spy is a crustacean.
almost 15 years ago
Forget her pyro, use me to help engineer!
almost 15 years ago
These arcs are too short
almost 15 years ago
@Lord of the dance: First ever friendly fire death in TF2 happens. With Spy eating his own knife. After being roasted on fire.
On topic: Title is exactly my reaction.
And this is arc end too...
almost 15 years ago
What's done is done. What matters now is how she handles this situation.
The best response would be telling Pyro immediately, explain how horrible she feels about it, ask for a way to redeem herself, and emphasize it was a moment of weakness.
almost 15 years ago
Nice arc. Quite a good moral message, too. Everyone mistakes when they're angry.
almost 15 years ago
Pyro should just leave the cheatin bitch imho. she can have the spy lol lets see how that turns out for her
almost 15 years ago
It was all a lie!
almost 15 years ago
This calls for a friendly-fire!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29729]@BowlerHatMan[/url]: almost, pyro leaves sniper, goes to RED, so he can kill Blu Spy, additionally falls in love with Red Engie-Tan, the end...
almost 15 years ago
I thought is was entertaining.
almost 15 years ago
CAD was terrible, the author is a terrible excuse for a human being who deleted his original news post on the matter due to it showing this. Right up there with his soliciting underage forum members for pictures then banning everyone who spoke of it.
This is not terrible and should not be compared.
almost 15 years ago
Heavy thinks you babies can cry some more, for not being able to cope with serious plots.
Spies are bastards, we know this.
This comic is still fun to read, even though this particular arc was more entertaining than "fun".
Hoovy disapproves of you all
Copyright Theft
almost 15 years ago
Just want to add my support to the arc Jo, thought it was well written and maybe people should GTFO if they can't handle a more serious tone now and then.
BTW I also liked the CAD miscarriage comic after reading Tim's post on it.
Bring on the flames, douche-bags.
almost 15 years ago
I agree with Strikerflame, you just made a nice, funny, cheerful comic into CAD. Good job...
almost 15 years ago
Of course it's not the end.
The Pyro can tell when a woman has had unreasonable relief.
The Hamster in a Sombrero
almost 15 years ago
This one also needs an alternative comic with the sniper earning a hat.
almost 15 years ago
Haha, motherfucker, it's funny because the spy did the scout's mom.
Sylvester Ink
almost 15 years ago
I think the reason people are upset is that a woman who would sleep with another man just because her boyfriend said something he didn't mean in a moment of frustration, probably didn't love her boyfriend that much in the first place. This seems vary out-of-character for Pyro and Sniper-tan.
almost 15 years ago
I see rage, and rage is not good
almost 15 years ago
This is so sad :(
almost 15 years ago
His name is Buck
almost 15 years ago
One of your best arcs yet.
Excellent writing and fantastic art direction. And a realistic portrayal of relationships to boot. Bravo, sir.
almost 15 years ago
Lol. I love how people raging over this new arc just because it's not what they wanted.
So what? When Jo was doing a small Mass Effect arc, I couldn't even understand it, since I don't know crap about Mass Effect.
Sniper Dave
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29750]@elitegmr[/url]: Red spy is GAY in the comics also BTW
Sniper Dave
almost 15 years ago
If you look at the Sniper-tan SHE'S NOT WEARING A SHIRT! So yeah they had sex and she's not fully dressed yet, and with that I DECLARE WAR ON ALL SPYS FOR TOUCHING MY BABY SISTER!
Cap'n Schecky
almost 15 years ago
I want a happy ending!
You gave me the sads.
Lord of the dance
almost 15 years ago
And now I can see Pyro finding out about this and confronting his team mate to which Blu Spy simply shrugs and says "I never really was on your side."
almost 15 years ago
And it turns out this is Sniper's father.
almost 15 years ago
Saw it coming.... Now I think I wont be playing spy for awhile. Mostly because I think the the other Pyro players will want to tear me the shreds.....
almost 15 years ago
Nerf Now! please provide another comic with a good ending
Troll NOW!!
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Typical drama though I thought the RED spy is more like this (in the MEET THE SPY , BLU spy seems less romantic but i'm aware of NERFNOW red spy) . Also I think Pyro will get back when hes fixed if that will ever happen.
Ok at first this comic pissed me off alot,but looking back. Spy really did this to help sniper understand how people can make bad decisions when they are angry. Unorthodox? Maybe. Worth it? You bet your ass.
almost 15 years ago
Drama runs comics into the ground you know?
Here's hoping for a happy resolution.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Again: only one other people has pointed out that the RED Spy specifically smokes white cigarettes.
what the hell man
almost 15 years ago
what the hell manwhat the hell manwhat the hell manwhat the hell manwhat the hell manwhat the hell manwhat the hell manwhat the hell what the hell manwhat the hell manwhat the hell manwhat the hell man
Oh wow
almost 15 years ago
I like how you tried to take credit for the homewrecker buff, what the hell dude, your comics gone to shit, trust me you would only inspire rage among the valve headquarters
Gabe Newell
almost 15 years ago
Please stop raping my my game. This is bad and you should feel bad.
almost 15 years ago
Worst part in this comic: The question mark after "END".
almost 15 years ago
Y'know, she probably would not have understood his situation without the Spy doing that. Maybe the Spy just cannot communicate life lessons without sex.
almost 15 years ago
I'm done reading this now. This isn't what I read Nerf Now for. You know what this is? This is akin to Ctrl+Alt+Del's miscarriage comic. Start a different comic if you wanna do cliffhanger bullshit with cheating whores and drama. Shithead.
almost 15 years ago
So listen up, boy! Or pornography starring your girlfriend will be the SECOND worst thing that happens to you today.
The spah done the right,noaw Sniper-Tan knows that it was wrong to be angry to the little w+1 pyro :3
Black Dragon
almost 15 years ago
What I don't understand is why the BLU Spy would do this to his own team. I could understand if this was a RED Spy or if Sniper-Tan was on RED, but this...I don't know.
almost 15 years ago
Spy sappen' my girlfriend.
Dude on the side
almost 15 years ago
Dang, Jo really hates snipers...
almost 15 years ago
Why has no one noticed the fact that it's a white cigarette, & that's what the red spy smokes? I am disappoint
almost 15 years ago
That bastard!
almost 15 years ago
I don't know why people are calling ST a whore... She got mad, Spy takes revenge and people are all up in ST's business. From the looks of it, ST has a lotta splaining to do.
almost 15 years ago
Pyro's Revenge:
Face full of finger flames when he asks for a light for his cigarette. >:)
almost 15 years ago
It's almost Nerf Now's 300th comic. :D
It had better be a good one.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29742]@Necronner[/url]: Stand back son...one, one, one...uhh...ONE!
almost 15 years ago
Damn... this was kinda darker than usual. Awesome work Jo
almost 15 years ago
To continue in the only way I would be happy.
Announcer: Intruder Alert! Red Spy is in the base!
Blu Spy: Excuse me my dear, but I need to go see about this.
Walks off and sees a dead male sniper. Picks him up, and continues off.
almost 15 years ago
I bet he just poked her boob and ran away. Sniper-tans can't do it with pants on. Or CAN THEY?
almost 15 years ago
When engie update comes up Pyro will tell Engineer to kill the spy when he comes near his robot >:).
Dr. Furry
almost 15 years ago
this made me very very sad = unless that sniper is actually a spy, then it's all good
almost 15 years ago
There needs to be MORE!
almost 15 years ago
i may be drunk, but i know what i like and what i don't like. what i like is this website. what i don't like is a FUCKING CLIFFHANGER. WRAP THIS SHIT UP NOW
Sniper tells Pyro.
Pyro leaves Sniper.
Pyro swats a sapper off a building.
Cue EngieXPyro storyline.
Engies and Pyros belong together like Medics and Heavies!
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
I just need to know what happens next. Its just like Lost only its tf2 and im not pissed off
Umbrella Incorporated
almost 15 years ago
I'm going with the "benefit of the doubt" thing here and point out that she's still wearing her shorts, even though that might not mean much.
And remember people, that's Spy...which color that suit really is is anyone's guess.
She has to make a MUCH bigger apology to Pyro than he does to her now.
almost 15 years ago
...aaaaaand the Spy has committed yet another moment of badassery, and what a score ladies and gentlemen.
almost 15 years ago
im a genius
almost 15 years ago
I said "you know... if I had a very heavy hammer that can destroy sentries I would probably try to destroy flimsy sappers...HEY IT SHOULD TOTALLY DO THAT!"
almost 15 years ago
the ultimate backstab >.<
That spys an ass!...I mean a spy!
almost 15 years ago
In contrast to the haters, I for one really like this direction the comic might be heading. I like the characters you've developed here, and really I'd prefer to see some plot involving them by now rather than have the comic just go back to having another joke everyday.
almost 15 years ago
i smell an engi pyro romance about to happen with the new homewreaker thing...oh crap, its a love quadrangle!
almost 15 years ago
I'm expecting a baby out of all this. There's really no other way for the comic to get any darker.
Also, Spy's an asshole, I almost feel bad for thirding him.
almost 15 years ago
It's less likely than you think.
inb4 know your memes.
Well...uh, that was grim. I'm starting to worry about the direction that you are going with all this....
almost 15 years ago
@Tal-con: Being the charming rogue that he is, he seduced her in her moment of weakness. Which might make Sniper-tan feel even worse, knowing she went along with it willingly. For the spy, another conquest. For sniper, it's "Dear heaven, what have I done?!"
almost 15 years ago
Oh no, did she really?
That fucking whore!
I now hate a buddy of mine, maining spy, even more.
almost 15 years ago
That. f*cking. Bastard.
I just feel ashamed just by playing spy now.
almost 15 years ago
... I feel sad about this, now every ones done something they cant take back...
Pyro must have justice. Can't wait for next part of this arc.
almost 15 years ago
I thought arcs were when something happened....
At least you forced an interesting TF2 update, though.
almost 15 years ago
Arc, i am disappoint. I did not like the serious tone of this arc as this is one of the comics I come to in order to have a laugh or simply enjoy the drawing style. No light hearted ending or jokes? Couldnt go with the previous red spy comforting sniper.... oh well, i still want to see how it ends.
almost 15 years ago
Well I guess that one way to back stab a sniper! -rimshot-.
almost 15 years ago
Oh come on, this can't be the end. If this ends up the same way as the Sniper-Demo one, I'm naming you the "worst arc ender ever".
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29668]@ZennyArk[/url]: I CAN'T STAND THE WAIT AND SUSPENSE! GAAHHHH! *explodes*
almost 15 years ago
@ Explanation
One of the reasons I like this comic, you actually get layers of meaning to peel away for, as opposed to just a cheap laugh per strip.
almost 15 years ago
worst spy ever, making snipers even more useless and making himself useless banging the sniper.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person useful around here....
almost 15 years ago
The plot thickens, and then the arc takes a month break. DUN DUN DUUUUN.
almost 15 years ago
...What on earth is that weird box they presumably did it on?
almost 15 years ago
"wait wat"
Situational irony. The Oyro was frustrated by the nerfs, became angry, and accidentally lashed out at the Sniper. The Sniper was angry at the Pyro so in her rage she made the mistake of sleeping with the Spy. She made the very same type of angry mistake she was mad at the Pyro for.
almost 15 years ago
That Scout is a Spy is a Pyro!
almost 15 years ago
This is why I prefer The Heavy medic team, So much trust THEY BE CREDIT TO LOVE!
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Our heroes must navigate a hazardous dating scene, overcome personal anxieties, and wrangle unruly seafood in order to find love, peace of mind, and a paycheck.
Winter Jay Kiakas, Windy
August and her ragtag group are just like everyone else, simply surviving in the treacherous Crater... When they stumble into what may be an artifact of the ancient past, their lives are thrown into a much bigger loop as they trifle with bounty hunters, monsters and gods.
Adam Warren
A sexy superhero comedy (except when it isn't) about the never-ending struggles of a plucky but very unlucky young superheroine.
Cassiopeia Quinn
Gunwild, Psudonym
A cute, pantsless thief is pursued across the stars by a buttoned-up military officer in the spacey, laser-filled future.
Verena Loisel
A young hitman meanders between a reality that seems to happen without him, and his dreams where he is lost in an endless house. When he makes an accidental friend, his world is shaken up and he realizes there are things he can't remember about himself.
The Golden Boar
Magnolia Porter Siddell
A young woman joins a group of summoners who call forth Guardian Beasts to protect their isolated magical island. Unfortunately, her Guardian Beast is nothing like she'd imagined, and he's about to change her life, and everything she thought she knew about herself...
Nigh Heaven & Hell
Heather Vodihn is on a simple mission: find her father. However she becomes entangled with two strangers with mysterious powers being stalked by a group with bizarre demands. Heather must learn to trust her new traveling companions, even if she is untrustworthy herself.
Love Not Found
Gina Biggs
Abeille is on a quest to find someone who wants to do it the old-fashioned way in a time when touching has become outdated.
Gzhel Guardian
Atla Hrafney, nushanchel
The Railway World is a complex, mysterious network of trains, towns and mechanical monsters. Leo is a Guardian of one of these towns, and although their burn-out and depression has taken hold of them, they have one last job to finish.
Star Impact
Jack McGee
A young, energetic woman fights her way up in the world of super-powered boxing after discovering the mighty gloves of her missing idol!
In an underwater world of unknown coordinates, inhabited by aliens, ghosts, and robots, a young member of a warrior underclass is framed for a crime and goes on the run. Little does he know he is part of a grand design that only gods and ancestors could choreograph.
The Forgotten Order
A young witch for whom every spell is a misfire finds solace and friendship in her new companion - a cursed doll.
The Weave
Rennie Kingsley
A young woman pursued by bad luck is witness to the murder of the Fairy Queen of Summer. Can she get to the bottom of this mystery?
Sleepless Domain
Mary Cagle (Cube Watermelon)
In a world where magical girls and their battles are commonplace, loss has become all too common as well.
The Last Diplomat
Cat Farris
Samma and Tark didn't ask to be stuck together, but now they're partners on the adventure of a lifetime.
Kate Ashwin
A series of light-hearted Victorian-era adventure stories featuring grumpy bounty hunters, accidental thiefkings, and more, in England's magical capital city Widdershins!
Sula has always preferred to forge her own path, but before she knows it, she is pulled into the middle of a civil war between man and monster!
Sister Claire
In the troubled aftermath of a great war between Witches and her fellow Nuns, novice Sister Claire just wants a purpose.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Headless Bliss
A story about story-telling, and other metaphysical themes such as Nightmares! (Failed) Teamwork! Comedy! And more!
Stand Still, Stay Silent
Minna Sundberg
A few generations after the end of the world, a small, poorly financed research crew is sent out to rediscover whatever is left of the forbidden old world in the south.
This is Not Fiction
Nicole Mannino
What do you do when the person you're in-love with is an anonymous romance novelist? Get your best friend to hire your worst enemy for help!
The End
August Brown, Cory Brown
Two aliens crash a sci-fi convention and accidentally take seven nerds on an adventure that spans the galaxy!
Taylor C
Wallace Foster, a young, bright-eyed human social worker, has his entire world view rocked when he's suddenly relocated into a city primarily inhabited by monsters.
Little Tiny Things
What are the little things that move us? The simple joys that warm our bodies and hearts? The micro life of insects that influence our world more than we think? The tiny steps we make everyday to have a happier tomorrow?
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Edison Rex
Chris Roberson
The adventures of the world’s greatest villain who, after defeating his superheroic nemesis, decides that he’s the only one left to defend the world.
The flirtatious, directionless, and ever disastrous Luci searches for excitement in a life of crime, and finds himself caught in a web of messy romance and bad blood.
Ride or Die
Mars Heyward
Ride or Die is an LGBTQ webcomic about two street racers who team up with a demon-possessed muscle car in the search for a missing woman, while being hunted by a deadly religious cult.
Sarah Webb
A YA F/F fantasy comic about Sonya, a lost skier trying to survive a snowy wilderness and find her way back to her village; and Kyra - a fire spirit trying to fix the home that she let fall apart around her.
Trying Human
Two women separated by over half a century are brought together by an alien-filled conspiracy involving murder, mystery and romance!
Astral Aves
Moon Cabal
A fantasy coming-of-age following the adventures of Astra The Black and friends, as they navigate the mysterious world around them. It's politics, adventure, and the supernatural; oh, and crazy hair.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
How to be a Werewolf
Shawn Lenore
Malaya Walters was bitten by a werewolf as a child. After being raised by her human family, she faces the chance to learn what being a werewolf is really like as an adult.
Saint for Rent
Ru Xu
Saint Halliday runs an inn for Time Travelers. Unfortunately, he seems to attract other supernatural "guests," too.
A festival of broken people, blood flows in the center ring. Come one and come all, to the greatest show in all of Paris.
Brian Clevinger, Escher Cattle, Lee Black
A troupe of wandering "adventurers" down to their last silver "acquire" a map only to find the real treasure was the fiend they dug up along the way.
Alexander, The Servant & The Water of Life
Reimena Yee
The 21st century retelling of the life and legends of Alexander the Great.
Goodbye to Halos
Valerie Halla
Cuddles, gay flirting, weird feelings, and magic-fueled knife fights - it's an adventure across the queer multiverse!
Missing Monday
Elle Skinner
Two girls fall in love through a magic door connecting their worlds. When Monday suddenly goes missing, it's up to Foyle to find her. How she's going to navigate an entirely unfamiliar world is another matter.
Darkling Bright
Chris Hazelton
Kieran Bright is a college student home for the summer and roped into an online reunion with his old neighborhood friends in the most recent update of their favorite childhood MMORPG.
At least, he was, and that was the idea...
Join Kieran and his friends as they are pulled into another reality that may or may not be real and are forced to confront their own identities, the nature of simulated universes and reality itself.