What people are saying about "Experience"
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over 3 years ago
Ah, Subnautica. I got going on that months ago, then kinda lost track of it. Never really did get a proper base going, nor try Below Zero...but now there's going to be another? Wonder if JackSepticEye knows? He loves that franchise.
over 3 years ago
I quite enjoyed Subnautica. Will play the second one eventually.
over 3 years ago
So Jo finally went under da sea. Just finished Below Zero myself. Subnautica is an amazing game, looking forward to Subnautica 2.
over 3 years ago
Sea Emperor surrounded by her offspring would look so cute in Jo's style. I can imagine them drawn like he draws zerglings
over 3 years ago
just enough of a base to allow me to then build things to get me the resources I needed to eventually get what I need. Also involves some tedious and slow backtracking to an earlier area to get some resources (only barely had enough oxygen to make the round trip, worst case i'd have to restart). 2/2
over 3 years ago
I remember getting stuck early on because I never cut the seaweed and thus was missing a bunch of schematics. The game was cool otherwise though slow at parts. I remember being stuck way underground with no vehicle fuel so I had to be *extremely* creative with the near 0 resources I had to build 1/2
over 3 years ago
Anyone else going to be disappointed now if Jo doesn't draw cheesecake of Sea Empress-tan?
over 3 years ago
"drow in some dark cave" sounds like another kind of waifu.
over 3 years ago
I love that if you try - you can sometimes survive after getting black screen if you are just holding space and w while swimming upwards. Neat touch, though initially it was a bug.
over 3 years ago
It's a comic that you can hear the music.
over 3 years ago
Wait, the vehicles have storage?.. Oh.
over 3 years ago
Wonder if he met any of the local wildlife