What people are saying about "Glance Value"
Glance Value
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over 3 years ago
Tasteful by what standards? Some places cover their women up completely, others are just fine with scanty clothing. Who is right? Who is wrong?
over 3 years ago
Maybe if they just gave them freaking tasteful costumes to BEGIN WITH, they wouldn't have to scramble to fix the designs later
over 3 years ago
Um...Penisballs comedy joke?
over 3 years ago
More like they are making more cute rather then sexy characters. The same way Blizzard removed objectionable paintings from WOW. They want to bring in younger players who's parents might object to scantily clade female characters.
over 3 years ago
@Borna_Pekarić yeah that's Invoker. If I recall, they released a Kid Invoker cosmetic.
over 3 years ago
Engie is doing the Scott Hall point.
over 3 years ago
2.25 seconds is how short it takes for a person's visual perception to work. If it takes longer than that to recognize a character then you fucked up.
Not only does it destroy character silhouette but it also destroys their color palette. Putting gold on everything makes it look like cheap plastic.
over 3 years ago
I see your Sailor Moon Windranger and raise you the TF2 Corpse Carrier. At least it's finally holiday restricted since yesterday.
over 3 years ago
Please, for the love of God, tell me that's supposed to be Invoker. I don't recall any other blonde hero.
over 3 years ago
Except instead of Dota - insert any other title with cosmetics cash shop. First time I experienced retina burn due to cosmetics was in Hi-Rez's Global Agenda. Now it's prevalent in f2p AND b2p games. Even thought some could say "it's fine, it doesn't affect anything" - I disagree. It ruins aesthetic