What people are saying about "NNN"
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over 3 years ago
I will go with what the great risu said and nevermind no nut november and yes to non-stop nut november
over 3 years ago
I saw an ad for 50% off discount tile flooring, so I already lost NNN.
over 3 years ago
So does that mean the Pool is started? any one got 3days for tentaJo?
over 3 years ago
@Ellis Warner What? Dating? Don't be silly. Zone-tan is only interested in tentacle monsters, and Jo is ... oh. But Zone-tan is ... Jo, no! She is only interested in your body! Don't give in! Stay strong. Angie is watching!
over 3 years ago
Every time Zone shows up I always get the impression that, in the Nerf Now universe, Zone and TentaJo are dating. Or whatever the Zone equivalent of dating would be, anyway.
over 3 years ago
O'Really? Look up the movie "40 Days and 40 Nights" from 2002. Its the proto NNN, but set over lent.
over 3 years ago
I find it helpful to just leave Reddit closed. To many of the decent Reddit's I followed where flooded over the last year with young ladies looking for OF supporters. Might need to avoid IG also, The Gong Twins made Leg Day post this afternoon.
over 3 years ago
As a happily married man, NNN means nothing to me.
over 3 years ago
What if she dressed up as Ankah?
over 3 years ago
I totally like No-Nut-November because it gives me a lot more unsatisfied girls to bang.

TL;DR, moar girls for me!!!
over 3 years ago
begone wench, i dont want to be horny anymore, i just want to be happy
over 3 years ago
The problem isn't really fapping, its porn. NNN is a good starter point to realize that if you can't go even a week without porn, its probably because you are an addict. The thing is, No-fap is actually a pretty bad answer to a porn addiction. I suggest you read the easy-peasy method.
over 3 years ago
NNN is not healthy. Nut! Your prostate will thank you!
over 3 years ago
I failed it on 1st November at 00:01 before even realising it had started, as usual.
over 3 years ago
There is something decidedly unsexy about ropes.
over 3 years ago
Have fun with it! No-fap was invented by American fascists to frustrate their foot-soldiers into violence, but it's also a kink subgroup called chastity. Horse-shoe theory!
over 3 years ago
I really hope this means the other NN girls will be doing fanservice this month to torment TentaJo like Zone is.