What people are saying about "Sacrifice"
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about 3 years ago
Angie knows what this is really about.
about 3 years ago
We appreciate your dedication, Jo.
about 3 years ago
I think the MMO's I've played the most were the original Ragnarok Online and Dungeon Fighter Online. Man... I miss those two. I also played a LOT of Phantasy Star Online offline, because you could 4 player hotseat it on the gamecube, so we spent like an entire year doing that hard as a group.
about 3 years ago
I play those all the time - unless they don't please - then I resell them xD

Remember, folks, hard copies are your friends ;)
about 3 years ago
And if Any one wants to ask why those three.
PSO, This was my first MMO and I spent to much time in those corridors/dungeons.
STO, I've been following two youtubers who have been playing it.
Kotor, I loved the games and do you think they are going to make a Kotor 3?
about 3 years ago
Been thinking of getting back into some MMO's myself. Three at the top of my list are Knight of the Old Republic, Star Trek Online and Phantasy Star Online.
Maybe WOW and ESO. I had friends/guild mates on those games.
about 3 years ago
I mean... The critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV is pretty popular, with an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.

Also the fanservice, ofc.